Navigating on the canvas and other things

Hi Inkscape folks,
I'll skip the part, of thanking you for the great software in my emails from now on (I haven' in most so far...). I want to make point out that inkscape has become my favourite vector graphics program... just for one last time :)
So anyways, I could be writing this each time I use it... and of course each time I use it, there are things that I like to complain about. Don't take it personally or anything, I just believe that pointing out what I don't like will eventually help improving the software.
Well... navigation. I always liked the navigation in inkscape. I was very much used to it and know it from other programs. The mouse wheel scrolls up and down, when holding ctrl (or is it shift?) left and richt, for alt it is zoom in and out. Now I have been using autoCAD for a while, and while I first was very much annoyed with it's behaviour, I now think it's superior. It's simple... the mousewheel zooms by default. I zoom out turning it towards me and in, rotating it away. It's crutial that it zooms in, right where the cursor points! Well... to navigate on the canvas you zoom out, drag the canvas (pressing middlebutton) and zoom in. This is very efficient, and the best way to navigate on the canvas, I have used so far, as soon, as one is a little used to it.
Also compare RFE [ 950537 ].
What do you think? Is the rendering to slow, maybe? Has any of you experience with this kind of navigation? And: could it be implemented, either as default (it's a very good default!) or as an option? Also: should I file an RFE?
Other problems:
- How do I add a pattern. The only way I have found so far is to import an image... that is kinda stupid. the pattern dialog has to allow one to import a new pattern.
- Inkscape crashes on me frequently (mostly while trying to copy objects)... I can't tell the reason, and I don't care too much, since I have wonderful backups. But opening these backups is quite complicated... could inkscape ask, if I want to restore the files, when I restart it?
- And, of course: How is the progress on text editing? I think text is the weakest part of inkscape atm.
Take care

david@...407... wrote:
Now I have been using autoCAD for a while, and while I first was very much annoyed with it's behaviour, I now think it's superior. It's simple... the mousewheel zooms by default. I zoom out turning it towards me and in, rotating it away. It's crutial that it zooms in, right where the cursor points! Well... to navigate on the canvas you zoom out, drag the canvas (pressing middlebutton) and zoom in. This is very efficient, and the best way to navigate on the canvas, I have used so far, as soon, as one is a little used to it.
Also compare RFE [ 950537 ].
What do you think? Is the rendering to slow, maybe? Has any of you experience with this kind of navigation? And: could it be implemented, either as default (it's a very good default!) or as an option? Also: should I file an RFE?
I've used a similar interface in Corel Draw, and with the rather complex drawings I was dealing with I found that the speed of redrawing after a zoom made it more annoying than useful. Maybe if it was quicker it would have grown on me, but with a complex enough drawing there is always delay in rendering it at a new zoom.

Well... navigation. I always liked the navigation in inkscape. I was very much used to it and know it from other programs. The mouse wheel scrolls up and down, when holding ctrl (or is it shift?) left and richt, for alt it is zoom in and out. Now I have been using autoCAD for a while, and while I first was very much annoyed with it's behaviour, I now think it's superior. It's simple... the mousewheel zooms by default. I zoom out turning it towards me and in, rotating it away.
The "wheel scrolls" behavior is the default in most apps, so we should keep it as the default for the sake of familiarity. But providing a different mode as an option is certainly possible. Someone just needs to code this.
It's crutial that it zooms in, right where the cursor points!
Sure. I just don't have a wheel mouse otherwise I would have fixed this long ago.
Also: should I file an RFE?
Please do.
- How do I add a pattern. The only way I have found so far is to import an
image... that is kinda stupid. the pattern dialog has to allow one to import a new pattern.
Edit > Tile
- Inkscape crashes on me frequently (mostly while trying to copy
objects)... I can't tell the reason, and I don't care too much, since I have wonderful backups. But opening these backups is quite complicated... could inkscape ask, if I want to restore the files, when I restart it?
If you like Inkscape, you must report every reproducible crash you encounter. Take this as your civic duty :) Include a backtrace if you can make it, the file you were editing, and reproducible steps to crash.
- And, of course: How is the progress on text editing? I think text is the
weakest part of inkscape atm.
Working on that.
By the way, Fred, could you enable your typeset code now, creating a new verb and menu command? I would do that but I have very little time for coding these days.

--- david@...407... wrote:
Hi Inkscape folks,
I'll skip the part, of thanking you for the great software in my emails from now on (I haven' in most so far...). I want to make point out that inkscape has become my favourite vector graphics program... just for one last time :)
Glad you like it :)
So anyways, I could be writing this each time I use it... and of course each time I use it, there are things that I like to complain about. Don't take it personally or anything, I just believe that pointing out what I don't like will eventually help improving the software.
We want your thoughts, thats what helps us know where changes are needed to improve the users experience with the program.
Other problems:
- How do I add a pattern. The only way I have found
so far is to import an image... that is kinda stupid. the pattern dialog has to allow one to import a new pattern.
In progress - kinda working in my copy at home, will work on it some more when I get back from hols. Dont forget though you can Tile any svg selection as well.
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participants (4)
bulia byak
John Cliff
John Pybus