Developer Team Meeting Notes, June 30 2023

Present: Adam, KrIr17, Marc, Martin, MikeKov, PBS, René, Tav
Mc: First pass on all translation MRs, ported to master. Also introduced three small MRs for translations, and updated the French translations. On the weekend, will look at everything with backport-proposed and decide whether they will be backported, then tag 1.3-RC. Jonathan will update the extensions submodule before 1.3-RC.
Release currently targeted for July 21-23 (per Vector's meeting notes).
KrIr17: Brings up, which breaks CLI on Ubuntu 23.04. PBS mentions a complex history upstream, but will look into it. René will check whether it affects MacOS too.
MikeKov: worked on, will try to submit a draft soon.
Jonathan: Some extensions API cleanup, created the vote for extending Martin's contract.
René: working on the Windows side, windows CI in master is now completely running on Gitlab infrastructure. The 7z is built by every pipeline, exe and msi installer are created on-demand. Next, he will restore the "download latest dev build" on the website. Thinks about backporting the new Windows pipeline to 1.3.x. Upside: current set of msys dependencies also works on Windows 7, despite MSYS2 not officially supporting it anymore. René has dropped 32bit support. Windows pipeline is currently designed to fail after almost two hours and restart itself, because otherwise it would take too long. In June, we have used 18000/50000 "compute units". After the release, will move Mibap to deps group.
Tav: Worked on the Device Manager and Input Dialog. Conclusion: need to be discarded. Overly complicated code with no documentation. Probably useful for the GTK2 era, not anymore in GTK3. Fixed a few crashes inside those dialogs regardless. Will have a meeting with Daniel Boles start of next week to plan their work packages. René asks to be informed when to look into GTK4 dependencies on MacOS / Windows.
PBS: Working on event controllers.
There was more GTK4 talk in the end, but I had to leave on time.
See you all next saturday!
participants (1)
Jonathan Neuhauser