[basic@...2167...: Re: [Hosting] OSUOSL Xen iSCSI outage, 2009-09-25 0630-0900 UTC]

----- Forwarded message from Rudy Grigar <basic@...2167...> -----
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 02:06:13 -0700 From: Rudy Grigar <basic@...2167...> To: hosting@...2167... Subject: Re: [Hosting] OSUOSL Xen iSCSI outage, 2009-09-25 0630-0900 UTC
On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 01:10 -0700, Rudy Grigar wrote:
Xen hosted clients:
We are currently experiencing an outage due to a bug with ietd on one of our iSCSI disk backends. We have shutdown all VMs that were using the disk backend, and will be restoring them shortly.
The affected VMs are: eese aqsis darcs puffin signal dotkde drupal-scratchvm jaws kdeget twist dspace openmrs parrotvm yum bigleaf bonsai driverdev geoip infratest1 mertan vapor gatewayvm gocc infratest2 mozdev-stats osgeo osi sugarlabs webdav amahi flossmanuals linuxlookup openclipfont openvoting polk scratchmrs arklinuxvm busybox drupal-stagingvm pcc myrtle
We are working to get services restored as soon as possible, and will be sending a follow up once services have been restored.
We have restored all of the affected VMs.
We also hit a snag on one of our Xen nodes that required us to reboot it, and the following VMs were also affected:
inkscape mandrivausers2 musicbrainzvm tillikum
We are very sorry for the outage and any frustrations it has caused you.
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington