Hi all, Theres a patch in the tracker I'd really like to get in the codebase before 0.40, its a pretty simple bit of code, just wasn't sure on sunday if we were meant to have been in freeze or not so rather than commit it I put it in the tracker (its also pretty much the first thing I've done with the codebase since july, so was feeling a bit rusty, thought a second set of eyes going over it wouldnt hurt) Its a simple right click menu entry for "add text to shape" which creates a flowRoot structure containing clones of the selection. The text itself still erquires editing with the XML editor, but it takes the pain out of trying to create the structure. Just seemed a waste to have the rendering for a feature thats requested so much, but to make it so hard to actually use. Patch number is 1066358.

OK, it's ugly and temporary, but better than nothing. Let it be. I also fixed pasting style to flowed text, so now you can paste font style from a regular text object to flowed text (though the text dialog does not work yet for flowed text). John, please add a brief description of this to Release Notes.
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 19:29:06 +0000, john cliff <john.cliff@...400...> wrote:
Hi all, Theres a patch in the tracker I'd really like to get in the codebase before 0.40, its a pretty simple bit of code, just wasn't sure on sunday if we were meant to have been in freeze or not so rather than commit it I put it in the tracker (its also pretty much the first thing I've done with the codebase since july, so was feeling a bit rusty, thought a second set of eyes going over it wouldnt hurt) Its a simple right click menu entry for "add text to shape" which creates a flowRoot structure containing clones of the selection. The text itself still erquires editing with the XML editor, but it takes the pain out of trying to create the structure. Just seemed a waste to have the rendering for a feature thats requested so much, but to make it so hard to actually use. Patch number is 1066358.
participants (2)
bulia byak
john cliff