On Feb 13, 2008 4:10 PM, Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> wrote:
I opened up the icons.svg to add a new icon (dice for randomization... however it looks like a single die will work better given the size) and decided to vacuum defs... I saw that it vacuumed roughly 40 from the file. I assume that is okay for me to commit with those gone when I'm done, or would that be bad? Please let me know.
Yes on that, but also: I'd like everyone who commits icons.svg to also make sure they have the following in ~/.inkscape/preferences.xml, before they save the file:
<group id="svgoutput" usenamedcolors="0" numericprecision="7" minimumexponent="-8" inlineattrs="1" indent="0" />
This makes quite a difference in file size, and for such time-critical file as this, every millisecond counts. Thanks!
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