How much longer is this going to drag out? This is getting ridiculous...

On 11/6/05, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
How much longer is this going to drag out? This is getting ridiculous...
There's been progress with patches in the last week. There are no patches left with critical bugfixes. So code-wise, we can release right now, if not for:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
- uncommitted tutorial translations (Scislac)
- uncommitted NEWS from rel notes (anyone)
If you are on jabber, please try to give the process a kick. As for actual tarballing, I guess it will be Ted's job again.
I must say I'm a bit tired of compiling these unfinished items lists. Please whoever will be doing the release next time, take note: it is your job to do this.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak wrote:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
I think I'll try to dream up a presentable screenshot today.
- uncommitted NEWS from rel notes (anyone)
What does this mean?
If you are on jabber, please try to give the process a kick. As for actual tarballing, I guess it will be Ted's job again.
Should I try to learn the tarballing process too? Would that help move things forward? New blood means more mistakes, but it would probably be healthy to have a few more people able to do this in the future. Do I need to wait for work from the Release Wardens to make a pre2?
I must say I'm a bit tired of compiling these unfinished items lists.
Thank you for doing this. It is not unappreciated.
Aaron Spike

On 11/6/05, aaron@...749... <aaron@...749...> wrote:
- uncommitted NEWS from rel notes (anyone)
What does this mean?
1 Ask everyone on jabber to read http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes, copyedit, fill what is missing, spell-check.
2 Do
elinks -dump -no-numbering -no-references http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes > NEWS
or in any other way convert it to plain text in the NEWS file.
3 Commit NEWS to CVS.
If you are on jabber, please try to give the process a kick. As for actual tarballing, I guess it will be Ted's job again.
Should I try to learn the tarballing process too? Would that help move things forward? New blood means more mistakes, but it would probably be healthy to have a few more people able to do this in the future. Do I need to wait for work from the Release Wardens to make a pre2?
Yes, of course, please do learn if you feel motivated. I'd really appreciate that. There's some info on release process on wiki, please familiarize yourself with it. As for pre2, I think you can do this as soon as you're ready. I'd prefer that we do a release right away, but since there are unfinished items, and since this is your first, I think starting by doing pre2 is a good idea.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

bulia byak wrote:
I'd prefer that we do a release right away, but since there are unfinished items, and since this is your first, I think starting by doing pre2 is a good idea.
I read in the wiki about branching the release candidate. Would this be something to do now? If I understand correctly pre2 and the final release could be tagged on that branch and work could resume on HEAD. Do I have this right?
Aaron Spike

On 11/6/05, aaron@...749... <aaron@...749...> wrote:
I read in the wiki about branching the release candidate. Would this be something to do now? If I understand correctly pre2 and the final release could be tagged on that branch and work could resume on HEAD. Do I have this right?
I must admit I'm not well versed in the branching business. Mental, can you answer this one?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>:
I must admit I'm not well versed in the branching business. Mental, can you answer this one?
Branches are basically pointers to the "most current" version of files. HEAD is simply the default branch in CVS. When you commit, it basically uploads the new versions and then updates the branch to point to them. Creating additional branches lets people "fork" development within the same repository; hence, we can commit updates relative to an Inkscape release without those changes showing up in HEAD or vice-versa.
Branching a RELEASE_0_43 branch now might be a good idea, since we could then unfreeze HEAD and let the remaining 0.43 commits go directly to RELEASE_0_43 instead. I'm assuming there isn't a whole lot more stuff to be committed for 0.43 at this point.
Once the release was ready, the preparation and tagging of RELEASE_0_43_0 etc. could go as normal, except it would be done from the already existing RELEASE_0_43 branch instead of creating the release branch from HEAD at release time.

bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> writes:
1 Ask everyone on jabber to read http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes, copyedit, fill what is missing, spell-check.
I went through the text and corrected some small things. There is one comment by pjrm (search for "pjrm") that should be modified still, otherwise, it looks fine to me.
Cheers, Colin

On 11/6/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
I don't feel like my flowcharts are a really fair demonstration of Connector tool feature. But still if you feel like they are cool in some other way, here is the "combined" screenshot you asked me for:

On Mon, 7 Nov 2005, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On 11/6/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
I don't feel like my flowcharts are a really fair demonstration of Connector tool feature. But still if you feel like they are cool in some other way, here is the "combined" screenshot you asked me for:
I'll do a proper screenshot in addition to Alexandre's ones, with captions and different demonstrations of the connector tool as Bulia suggested.
Cheers, Michael

On 11/7/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
Good, I will add it, but can you please do a description of how exactly you used the new tool for these images?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On 11/7/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 11/7/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
Good, I will add it, but can you please do a description of how exactly you used the new tool for these images?
"New connector tool is used for preliminary design of a flowchart, when it's critical to keep items connected all the time while considering the best layout. The flowchart was then finalized with Node tool."

bulia byak wrote:
On 11/6/05, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
How much longer is this going to drag out? This is getting ridiculous...
There's been progress with patches in the last week. There are no patches left with critical bugfixes. So code-wise, we can release right now, if not for:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
Putting the finishing touches on it right after I send this message. (trying to make it more dense and show combined examples per your suggestions)
- uncommitted tutorial translations (Scislac)
When you last brought this up I had asked how to generate them. Since I can't run make-all, I need to run make-svg and make-html separately. The problem is that it only generates the English versions of the tutorials. If you can tell me how to generate the other language SVGs I will do it right away.

Joshua A. Andler wrote:
When you last brought this up I had asked how to generate them. Since I can't run make-all, I need to run make-svg and make-html separately. The problem is that it only generates the English versions of the tutorials. If you can tell me how to generate the other language SVGs I will do it right away.
Umm... Josh. => http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13724685
Aaron Spike

Joshua A. Andler wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
On 11/6/05, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
How much longer is this going to drag out? This is getting ridiculous...
There's been progress with patches in the last week. There are no patches left with critical bugfixes. So code-wise, we can release right now, if not for:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
Putting the finishing touches on it right after I send this message. (trying to make it more dense and show combined examples per your suggestions)
- uncommitted tutorial translations (Scislac)
When you last brought this up I had asked how to generate them. Since I can't run make-all, I need to run make-svg and make-html separately. The problem is that it only generates the English versions of the tutorials. If you can tell me how to generate the other language SVGs I will do it right away.
Sorry... I never saw the last reply. Aaron pointed me to it. Thanks! Will get right on this after I'm done with this screenshot.

bulia byak wrote:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
Ok, I am mostly done... please let me know what you'd like an example of in the remaining open space... just another series like I did on the right? I will wrap this up tonight when I get back from class. http://www.scislac.com/inkscape/node-drag.png
- uncommitted tutorial translations (Scislac)
I just finished generating them... I didn't have time to diff to see which ones have really changed (otherwise I would have committed all of them, which would be unnecessary). So, as a solution I handed off a tar to pjrm that contains all of them (since I need to go study for class). I will be back at my comp in about 6 hours to see what if anything else I need to do.

On 11/7/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
- missing screenshots (Scislac, Prokoudine)
Ok, I am mostly done... please let me know what you'd like an example of in the remaining open space... just another series like I did on the right? I will wrap this up tonight when I get back from class. http://www.scislac.com/inkscape/node-drag.png
Excellent, thanks! You can add something else, but if you don't it's OK to go as is (I'm just impatient to have this all finished, you know :). Just please provide a blurb.
I just finished generating them... I didn't have time to diff to see which ones have really changed (otherwise I would have committed all of them, which would be unnecessary). So, as a solution I handed off a tar to pjrm that contains all of them (since I need to go study for class). I will be back at my comp in about 6 hours to see what if anything else I need to do.
Thank you. Remember that you also need to generate HTML and upload it to http://inkscape.org/doc/index.php (though this is less urgent, as it does not hold the release tarball).
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On 11/6/05, MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> wrote:
How much longer is this going to drag out? This is getting ridiculous...
There is a more ridiculous thing. I resent updated ru.po after the strings release, when there were only 9 untranslated entries and no fuzzy whatsoever. It was done on CVS from 26th October. This update was applied.
Now if I run 'make update-po' on current anoncvs HEAD, I'm presented with a ru.po files with 43 fuzzy entries and (I guess) same 9 untranslated one. Who do I have to thank for that? :)

Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> writes:
Now if I run 'make update-po' on current anoncvs HEAD, I'm presented with a ru.po files with 43 fuzzy entries and (I guess) same 9 untranslated one. Who do I have to thank for that? :)
Probably caused by this patch:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1247694&gro... http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/12845
Cheers, Colin

On 11/8/05, Colin Marquardt <colin@...384...> wrote:
Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> writes:
Now if I run 'make update-po' on current anoncvs HEAD, I'm presented with a ru.po files with 43 fuzzy entries and (I guess) same 9 untranslated one. Who do I have to thank for that? :)
Probably caused by this patch:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1247694&gro... http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/12845
I'm not sure that this patch could intriduce that many fuzzy entries. Anyway, here is http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1350813&gro...
participants (8)
Alexandre Prokoudine
bulia byak
Colin Marquardt
Joshua A. Andler
Michael Wybrow