GSoC19 CSS & JS support

Hey, everyone, I am in need for advice from the developers around. As I have stated several times already, I am looking to apply to Inkscape to GSoC and in order to do that, I have already had a few PRs merged, on translation, packaging and extensions.
Some things about me: I am experienced in web development and graphic design and for about two years aware and excited about the open-source community. I am consistently building up my skills and learning in order to contribute from now on to projects that I find exciting and useful. Inkscape is one of those projects, as I have repeatedly used the app to learn design, create graphics and help communities with them.
As it us specified in SoC application template on the wiki, I want to introduce my plans for contributing. I want to do mainly two things: improve the CSS support and add JS polyfills. Why two? Because I am capable and they're both in my skillsets. I believe these two are essential because they can be expanded upon. If we get a way of polyfilling Inkscape-specific functionality, I think it's the start for different mesh-gradients development, animations and other 'imported' functionality from other graphics software.
This might seem like a lot, especially because they are actually two project ideas but I want you to understand my position. I am a workaholic and I will contribute to Inkscape even if I don't get accepted. However, if I get accepted, that would be an incentive to put in a lot more time into it, making it my main summer activity.
As Moini suggested, I have forwarded this message to the mailing list. I'd love some feedback from Tav
Have a great Hackfest! Valentin Ionita @vanntile
participants (1)
Valentin Ionita