Alan Horkan wrote:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Mael wrote:
You still need to install gtk2 runtime from dropline (http://www.dropline.net/gtk/) first, then run the setup and run inkscape.exe (and enjoy :)
I've installed GTK-Runtime-Environment- which seems to be the most up to date version available but I'm not having any joy. Basically I dont think Inkscape is finding my copy of GTK properly.
Best you can do is add foo/GTK/2.0/lib to your path in the autoexec. A proposed by Mael (using batch file).
I get the following two errors INTL.DLL is linked to missing export ICONV.DLL:libiconv_set_location_prefix.
C:\Program Files\inkscape\inkscape.exe A device attached to the system is not functioning
I've tried unsuccessfully both inkscape-0.36cvs-setup.exe and the earlier inkscape-0.36-pre0-w32.exe
I'm running windows 98, but I will probably be able to test against windows 2000 this evening (and maybe Windows XP later in the week).
Alan Horkan
I already tried the new one on Win98 and Win2K and it works ok in this point. The problem with the font I already described. There is this one bitmap <print direct> garbage. (BUG)
The latest (beta2) sodipodi crashes on the file open dialog, but this is an other point.

A couple of small points.
Concise descriptions or hints.
eg. currently Inkscape has "fits the whole page into window [5]" in dialog of view. Suggestion. Better as "fit page in window [5]". Maybe people could look at the hints (don't know the correct name for these little yellow guys :-)) and suggest what they find most concise/elegant from their own favorite programs.
Suggested addition to the view dialog. In the real drawing world the "fit page in window" view is extremely useful. Equally useful is the view "fit page width in window". This is especially so since much work is done in portrait mode.
Does Inkscape have a "wireframe" or "preview/outline mode"? This is again extremely useful when drawings get complex with many overlapping objects. It may allready be present but I have not found it yet. Please let me know if it is here.
I am using Win2000 and so far so good.
participants (2)