Inkscape on Spanish / Inkscape en Español
First I want to thank you (developers, translators, designers, etc) for your brilliant effort to improve Inkscape.
I'm a designer, member of differents free software associations like Iniciativa Focus or Linux-Malaga who some time ago chose to bet for free software like present and future on the world of graphic's design. Until now i only have contributed to the inkscape's community with some works and designs and some presentations and workshops around Spain: 2ª Jornadas Tecnológicas Andaluzas de Software Libre to begin to design with free software: Inkscape and Gimp), Congreso Hispalinux 2005 design with Inkscape) and Jornadas de Software Libre de Linux Malaga 2006 (How to begin to vectorial illustration and make websites and corporate identities with Inkscape). Even though i want to promote inkscape on spanish and help with this task.
This is the cause i want to help not only the project itself but to look for more interested people (there is some volunteers on the spanish's mailing list). I would to do it officially through the website because do it apart it would harmful for all and this is all i propose:
* Translate the entire website (there is some parts without translations): o Translate all the news (old an new) o Translate the FAQ o Translate all the documentation (nowdays there is only translated the tutorials that comes with the program) o Translate Tools Section * Translate the interface (nowdays it is at 100% but i think the new version has going to have new terms) * Translate the mailing list(there is a spanish's mailing list but when you, for example, have to register all the messages are on english) * Generate new content for the website: o Create new tutorials o Create a planet inkscape on spanish o Insert new screenshots o Insert new elements into the gallery (illustrations, designs, etc) * Improve Inkscape's website trying to do it more autonomous on certain aspect (for example users can upload new designs, news,etc even though has to be supervised by another)
To do all this i need to know who are the people in charge of the differents sections (i think it would be useful to create a section with the differents names and mails to contact them) and begin to coordinate with them on how we can do all this. (some sections like galleries, screenshots, some tutorials, presentations,etc are already made)
Regards, Juan Miguel Ramirez (yomizmo)
And now on Spanish ...
Y ahora en español ...
En primer lugar agradecer a todos y cada uno de los desarrolladores, colaboradores, diseñadores, traductores, etc por vuestro brillante esfuerzo en mejorar Inkscape.
Soy un diseñador, miembro de diferentes asociaciones relacionadas con el mundo del software libre como pueden ser Iniciativa Focus y Linux-Malaga que hace ya algún tiempo decidió apostar por el software libre como presente y futuro en el mundo del diseño gráfico. Lo poquito que he aportado hasta ahora a la comunidad de inkscape han sido algunas presentaciones y talleres sobre inkscape en diferentes eventos en España: 2ª Jornadas Tecnológicas Andaluzas de Software Libreón al diseño gráfico mediante software libre: Inkscape y Gimp), Congreso Hispalinux 2005ño colaborativo con Inkscape) y Jornadas de Software Libre de Linux Malaga 2006 (Iniciación a la ilustración vectorial y Creación de páginas webs e identidades corporativas con Inkscape). Sin embargo después de llevar un tiempo suscrito a la lista de correo de Inkscape en español me he dado cuenta de la necesidad de promover inkscape en mi lengua materna, el español, y ayudar a la comunidad de inkscape en ello.
Por eso me he propuesto no sólo a ayudar al proyecto sino a buscar más personas interesadas en hacerlo para ir sumando día a día(hay algunos voluntarios en la lista de correo española). Me gustaría hacerlo de manera oficial a través de la web de inkscape puesto que hacerlo de manera independiente sería perjudicial para todos los usuarios y por ello propongo:
* Traducir la web de inkscape completamente al castellano (hay partes sin traducir): o Traducir las noticias (las ya existentes y las que vayan apareciendo) o Traducir la FAQ al español o Traducir la documentación al español (tan sólo están los tutoriales que vienen con el programa) o Traducir la sección herramientas * Traducir la Interfaz al español (ahora mismo está traducido pero hablo pensando en la nueva version, la 0.44 que sé que trae nuevas novedades que habrá que traducir) * Traducir la lista de correo al castellano (ya existe una lista de correo en castellano pero por ejemplo los mensajes a la hora de suscribirte están en inglés) * Generar nuevo contenido para la web: o Crear nuevos tutoriales o Crear un planeta inkscape en español o Insertar nuevas capturas de pantalla o Insertar nuevos elementos en la galeria (ilustraciones, diseños, etc) * Mejorar la web de inkscape intentando hacerla lo más autónoma posible en ciertos aspectos(que los propios usuarios puedan subir diseños, noticias, etc aunque estas tengan que ser aprobadas por alguna persona)
Para todo esto necesito saber quienes son las personas encargadas de las diferentes secciones (creo que sería interesante no sólo para mi, el crear una sección con las diferentes personas encargadas de las diferentes secciones y como contactar con ellas) y empezar a coordinarme con ellas cómo realizar todo este proceso. (algunas cosas como graficos para la galeria, capturas de pantalla y algunos tutoriales están ya hechos)
Saludos, Juan Miguel Ramirez (yomizmo)
On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 03:59:42AM +0200, Juan Miguel Ramirez wrote:
First I want to thank you (developers, translators, designers, etc) for your brilliant effort to improve Inkscape.
I'm a designer, member of differents free software associations like Iniciativa Focus or Linux-Malaga who some time ago chose to bet for free software like present and future on the world of graphic's design. Until now i only have contributed to the inkscape's community with some works and designs and some presentations and workshops around Spain: 2? Jornadas Tecnol?gicas Andaluzas de Software Libre to begin to design with free software: Inkscape and Gimp), Congreso Hispalinux 2005 design with Inkscape) and Jornadas de Software Libre de Linux Malaga 2006 (How to begin to vectorial illustration and make websites and corporate identities with Inkscape). Even though i want to promote inkscape on spanish and help with this task.
Excellent, it's great to have you as part of the team! I love your enthusiasm, and you have some great ideas.
This is the cause i want to help not only the project itself but to look for more interested people (there is some volunteers on the spanish's mailing list).
To do all this i need to know who are the people in charge of the differents sections (i think it would be useful to create a section with the differents names and mails to contact them) and begin to coordinate with them on how we can do all this. (some sections like galleries, screenshots, some tutorials, presentations,etc are already made)
Below I've indicated some contact people for the areas.
An org chart actually probably isn't worth doing for Inkscape, since we don't really formalize roles; instead roles are defined mainly by who has the time and interest and is doing the work. Thus, roles change pretty fluidly, so an org chart would become out of date quickly.
I would to do it officially through the website because do it apart it would harmful for all and this is all i propose:
- Translate the entire website (there is some parts without translations): o Translate all the news (old an new) o Translate the FAQ o Translate all the documentation (nowdays there is only translated the tutorials that comes with the program) o Translate Tools Section
For the main website, I'm probably the best contact person. For questions and plans about translating it, we don't have a specific contact person, but inkscape-translator@ would be the place to ask.
- Translate the interface (nowdays it is at 100% but i think the new version has going to have new terms)
Arpad has been the primary contact for this, although I think there are probably others on inkscape-translator@ who are more familiar with the new terms.
- Translate the mailing list(there is a spanish's mailing list but when you, for example, have to register all the messages are on english)
This is being worked on presently.
- Generate new content for the website: o Create new tutorials
Scislac or Bulia
o Create a planet inkscape on spanish
Jon Philips
o Insert new screenshots
o Insert new elements into the gallery (illustrations, designs, etc)
- Improve Inkscape's website trying to do it more autonomous on certain aspect (for example users can upload new designs, news,etc even though has to be supervised by another)
We don't really have a contact person for this, but I can help you gain access if you want to work on it.
Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 03:59:42AM +0200, Juan Miguel Ramirez wrote:
o Create a planet inkscape on spanish
A Planet website is an aggregation of blogs, with the content generated on the fly (in Planet Inkscape case hourly). Is a very dynamic page, the content is supposed to change very fast. It would make sense to have a Planet Inkscape in Spanish *only* if some people related to Inkscape (developers, translators, community members, users) blog in Spanish, otherwise, just use an online translation service to read the English page.
If you have enough blogs for a Spanish Planet site, it would make sense to share some resources with the main one, like the stylesheet and template (for unified look and feel). Currently Planet Inkscape is hosted on
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
Juan Miguel Ramirez
Nicu Buculei