Your hackfest experience.

Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest this year? 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the hackfest? 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape project? 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.

On Mon, 2018-09-17 at 14:20 +0100, C R wrote:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Fixed some bugs in and answered questions on the new Extensions repository, moved it to a sub-module. Talked about a new design for layers/objects/selectors. Worked heavily on refactoring the XML Editor, lots of cleanup and learning about signals.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
hackfest this year?
The people. So many smart and inspirational contributors to Inkscape who can motivate and really feel like we're all working for a common goal.
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
Trying to catch wasps at lunch. We failed. I actually got stung by a wasp yesterday gardening, I think they wanted revenge.
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Me and my room shares were all lying in our beds typing away for far too long. But we also talked a lot about various problems and solutions while walking or doing other things.
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
Thanks Chris, I'm really excited to get a news article released for all our donators and other contributors to read what we were up to and see the videos.
Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 3:22 PM C R <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Setup a development for compiling inkscape myself. Research into API options for better connecting extensions. Fixing issues and merging patches with my paths2openscad (3D printer stuff) extension centerline extension. Helped Marc to bring a centerline trace (based on autotrace) into inkscape. Created fancy 3D-printed templates with with Chris, featuring the inkscape and kitz logo to improve our coffee experience. (Aeh, and testdrive updated extensions of course) Gave a presentation and workshop using inkscape to replace proprietary software used with lasercutters, 3d-printers etc. Slides:
2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest this
Once of a sudden inkscape consists of nice and helpful people! Connected faces with names and topics. Before that was just some anonymous mass for me.
3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
The horrified looks when I killed the first wasp during lunch -- followed by the wee attempts to catch and carry away wasps later.
4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Most of the things we started during the hackfest got really finished. Will followup at least on the API-1.0 specification.
5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
I'd work fulltime on inkscape, if there weren't my employer who wants to pay me for other stuff.
6. Anything else you'd like to include. :)
I was riding my electric unicycle every day from hotel to kitz and back. That is mostly fun, but some suspense too, when I am in an new city. Thanks to the Kiel police for looking the other way when I crossed the street in front of their eyes. Big round of applause to our Host, Tourist Guide, Organizer and general go-to-person Maren!
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
Inkscape-devel mailing list

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 02:20:24PM +0100, C R wrote:
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
I want to send a huge thank you to Maren for doing such an astounding job organizing the event. There are a number of things to coordinate and it was done without a hitch. Very glad to hear everyone had an enjoyably productive time. Will be fun to read people's reports and I'm looking forward to seeing the video.

- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
* SVG import/embed with per item DPI resolution * Fix a bug happends with not well cleaned LPE clippaths in old versions of inkacape, that result in bug rendering. * Improve and fix powerclip and powermask LPE
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
hackfest this year?
I do some things faster because other folks help.
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
Not sure all things has his good side.
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
A bit, but mainly I finish this objetive
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
It nor decrease.
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
I realy happy with the Inkscape success, but I lost a lot of conversations because my language and because I usualy not do workgroup seasons and more interested in my own staff instead force understand more.
Thanks for your comments.
Thanks to you, me too.

Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
I started off fixing some issues with the Windows build of Inkscape. One of these issues (thanks Max for spotting it initially and bearing with building on Windows for some time 😉) was especially nasty as scrolling / zooming the canvas was not working at all. Eventually it turned out to be an error in GTK+'s win32 GDK back-end (which could successfully be resolved as a consequence along with some additional issues in the new implementation) but as a "byproduct" of investigating this bug I was able to add previously unavailable support for smooth scrolling and zooming of the canvas to Inkscape (i.e. on supported hardware there is now continuous scrolling and zooming without discrete steps). Furthermore I worked on some aspects of the Inkscape CI, including translations and translation statistics, and did some preliminary work on preparing the bundled documentation for the 1.0 release. Like most of us I had some fun with the extensions after day zero of the extension API 1.0 which included adjusting the Scour extension (Optimized SVG output) to be compatible with the new API and writing my first extension test to ensure it stays that way. Thank you Martin for supporting me with it!
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
As it was my first hackfest I really enjoyed finally meeting all the people in person with whom I only interacted digitally so far. It was great getting to know everybody! Besides the team-building aspects of the hackfest it's also much more efficient to discuss things in person and to learn from each other when sitting at the same table.
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
I really enjoyed the "small" things like having a picnic in the open together (despite the infamous wasps) or just joking around with each other while catching a break after hours of coding. Another highlight was undoubtedly the trip to the computer museum.
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
I was staying an additional day, so I had the opportunity to also join the Kielux meeting. Although I spend most of the day accompanying Chris to the train station and (unsuccessfully) waiting with him for the bridge to do its bridge thing™ there was some time left to man the Inkscape booth Maren built overnight together with Marc and do some coding. Many things I started during the hackfest will probably take even more time to complete, e.g. finalizing the bundled documentation or figuring out why smooth scrolling on Mac is not only smooth but also blazingly fast (it might be yet another GTK+ back-end error that just waited to be discovered and fixed by the Inkscape team).
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
It certainly did. Seeing everybody to work towards the same goal - even if approaches and opinions might differ at times - was a huge push to strive forward as a team. (Something that tends to get lost in the impersonal communication through bug trackers and merge requests)
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
A big thanks to Maren for organizing a wonderful event I'll keep in good memory.
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
I'm looking forward to the video (even if it won't include the bridge 😉) and summary!
Thanks, Patrick

Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
- I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to work on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts and answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the Inkscapers through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back.
I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features and then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script for using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple of bugs and reported them.
Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that.
Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a way that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression of what was happening.
On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let myself be talked into doing some of them myself.
And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up an online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
- I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs.
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
- Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the guys around me were working on making Inkscape better.
Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that all Inkscapers had made it on board in time.
(and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a spoon, and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though)
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
- Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end coordinating with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there at the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also presented Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the room etc.
I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest.
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
- No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite exhausted, and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-)
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
- I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will be useful.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
- Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea stick here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back? (also the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I thought it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz...
Looking forward to the video!
Inkscape-devel mailing list

Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
- I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to work
on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts and answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the Inkscapers through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back.
I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features and then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script for using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple of bugs and reported them.
Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that.
Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a way that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression of what was happening.
On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let myself be talked into doing some of them myself.
And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up an online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
- I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and
motivated devs.
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
- Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the
guys around me were working on making Inkscape better.
Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that all Inkscapers had made it on board in time.
(and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a spoon, and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though)
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
- Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end coordinating
with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there at the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also presented Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the room etc.
I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest.
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
- No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite exhausted,
and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-)
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete
- I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will be
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
- Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea stick
here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back? (also the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I thought it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz...
Looking forward to the video!
Inkscape-devel mailing list
Inkscape-devel mailing list

Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R:
Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
- That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks, everyone!).
Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... mailto:maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > Hey folks. > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish > the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary. > > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to work on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts and answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the Inkscapers through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features and then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script for using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple of bugs and reported them. Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a way that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression of what was happening. On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let myself be talked into doing some of them myself. And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up an online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest > this year? - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs. > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the > hackfest? - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a spoon, and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end coordinating with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there at the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also presented Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the room etc. I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape > project? - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite exhausted, and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, > (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary > first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary. - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will be useful. > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with > all of you. Last week. - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea stick here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back? (also the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I thought it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... Looking forward to the video! Maren > > -C > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>

Yea, I stayed about an hour after everyone left to pack and tidy. Most of the mess was mine and I didn't feel like making anyone else clean surfaces with coffee spills etc. I also re-aligned the blind slats that were disturbed so they block light as intended. Oh yes, Marc helped too until I made him go and join the others at the POI Restaurant.
Glad the results were acceptable. :) Thanks again for organising it and taking care of us! -C
On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 10:12 PM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R:
Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
- That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks, everyone!).
Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... mailto:maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > Hey folks. > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help
> the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary. > > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to
on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts
answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the
through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features
then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script
using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple
bugs and reported them. Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a
that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression
what was happening. On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let
be talked into doing some of them myself. And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up
online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
> this year? - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs. > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about
> hackfest? - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a
and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end
with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there
the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also
Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the
etc. I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the
> project? - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite
and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this
> (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest
> first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary. - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will
useful. > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out
> all of you. Last week. - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea
here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back?
the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I
it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... Looking forward to the video! Maren > > -C > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>

Yeah, I'll make a new one during the next week and send it to Maren. Did not even unpack the printer yet - all busy with videotaping the ownCloud conference this week and somewhat lazy in the evenings...
cheers, JW-
Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> schrieb am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 23:13:
Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R:
Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
- That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks, everyone!).
Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... mailto:maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > Hey folks. > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help
> the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary. > > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to
on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts
answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the
through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features
then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script
using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple
bugs and reported them. Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a
that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression
what was happening. On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let
be talked into doing some of them myself. And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up
online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
> this year? - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs. > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about
> hackfest? - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a
and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end
with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there
the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also
Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the
etc. I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the
> project? - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite
and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this
> (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest
> first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary. - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will
useful. > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out
> all of you. Last week. - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea
here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back?
the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I
it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... Looking forward to the video! Maren > > -C > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>
Inkscape-devel mailing list

There's really no need to re-print. All I need is Maren's address. If I get that today, I'll send it out today. :)
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 8:01 AM Jürgen Weigert <jnweiger@...400...> wrote:
Yeah, I'll make a new one during the next week and send it to Maren. Did not even unpack the printer yet - all busy with videotaping the ownCloud conference this week and somewhat lazy in the evenings...
cheers, JW-
Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> schrieb am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 23:13:
Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R:
Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
- That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks,
Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... mailto:maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > Hey folks. > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help
> the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest
> > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to
on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather
forecasts and
answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the
through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new
features and
then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script
using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple
bugs and reported them. Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a
that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression
what was happening. On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let
be talked into doing some of them myself. And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up
online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
> this year? - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs. > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about
> hackfest? - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication
guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad
all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a
and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never
back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end
with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there
the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also
Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the
etc. I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the
> project? - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite
and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this
> (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest
> first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary. - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will
useful. > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out
> all of you. Last week. - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea
here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back?
the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I
it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... Looking forward to the video! Maren > > -C > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>
Inkscape-devel mailing list

I don't really need/want to keep it as a souvenir. I tend to keep pictures and bin the originals as to reduce the quantity of stuff that I own. If I don't ship it, it's going in the recycle bin. :)
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:07 AM C R <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
There's really no need to re-print. All I need is Maren's address. If I get that today, I'll send it out today. :)
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 8:01 AM Jürgen Weigert <jnweiger@...400...> wrote:
Yeah, I'll make a new one during the next week and send it to Maren. Did not even unpack the printer yet - all busy with videotaping the ownCloud conference this week and somewhat lazy in the evenings...
cheers, JW-
Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> schrieb am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 23:13:
Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R:
Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the
delivery system. Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by the cleaning crew or something.
Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and honestly, just forgot about it.
I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :)
- That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks,
Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :)
email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some cardboard to reinforce it on the way.
Thanks! -C
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <
mailto:maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > Hey folks. > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help
> the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest
> > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to
on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access
translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather
forecasts and
answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the
through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new
features and
then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on
first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation
script for
using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a
couple of
bugs and reported them. Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent
large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a
that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small
impression of
what was happening. On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let
be talked into doing some of them myself. And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting
up an
online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
> this year? - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and motivated devs. > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed
about the
> hackfest? - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication
guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad
all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a
and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never
back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end
with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was
there at
the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also
Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the
etc. I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the
> project? - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite
and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this
> (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest
> first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary. - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them
will be
useful. > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang
out with
> all of you. Last week. - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea
here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back?
the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I
it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... Looking forward to the video! Maren > > -C > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>
Inkscape-devel mailing list

Am 20.09.2018 um 10:10 schrieb C R:
I don't really need/want to keep it as a souvenir. I tend to keep pictures and bin the originals as to reduce the quantity of stuff that I own. If I don't ship it, it's going in the recycle bin. :)
- Noooo! Okay, okay, I'll give you my address...
Jürgen, I hadn't known you were subscribed - thank you again for your kind offer :)
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:07 AM C R <cajhne@...400... mailto:cajhne@...400...> wrote:
There's really no need to re-print. All I need is Maren's address. If I get that today, I'll send it out today. :) -C On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 8:01 AM Jürgen Weigert <jnweiger@...400... <mailto:jnweiger@...400...>> wrote: Yeah, I'll make a new one during the next week and send it to Maren. Did not even unpack the printer yet - all busy with videotaping the ownCloud conference this week and somewhat lazy in the evenings... cheers, JW- Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...>> schrieb am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 23:13: Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R: > Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took > the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder > delivery system. > Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by > the cleaning crew or something. > > Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and > honestly, just forgot about it. > > I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just > didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :) - That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks, everyone!). Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :) Maren > email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some > cardboard to reinforce it on the way. > > Thanks! > -C > > On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...> > <mailto:maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...>>> wrote: > > Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > > Hey folks. > > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish > > the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer > these > > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary. > > > > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? > > - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to work > on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included > things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, > plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, > translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts and > answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of > external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the Inkscapers > through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. > > I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features and > then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the > first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script for > using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple of > bugs and reported them. > > Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a > large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. > > Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a way > that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression of > what was happening. > > On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short > usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let myself > be talked into doing some of them myself. > > And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up an > online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's > instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > > > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest > > this year? > > - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and > motivated devs. > > > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the > > hackfest? > > - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the > guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. > > Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that > all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. > > (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a spoon, > and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came > back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > > > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? > > - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end coordinating > with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a > makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there at > the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also presented > Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects > presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the room > etc. > > I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting > better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation > software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a > production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read > through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my > computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for > Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > > > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape > > project? > > - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite exhausted, > and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > > > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, > > (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary > > first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the > sooner I > > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete > summary. > > - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will be > useful. > > > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with > > all of you. Last week. > > - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea stick > here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back? (also > the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I thought > it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... > > Looking forward to the video! > > Maren > > > > > -C > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Inkscape-devel mailing list > > <> > < <>> > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > < <>> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>

It's in the mail. :) -C
On Thu, 20 Sep 2018, 11:27 Maren Hachmann, <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 20.09.2018 um 10:10 schrieb C R:
I don't really need/want to keep it as a souvenir. I tend to keep pictures and bin the originals as to reduce the quantity of stuff that I own. If I don't ship it, it's going in the recycle bin. :)
- Noooo! Okay, okay, I'll give you my address...
Jürgen, I hadn't known you were subscribed - thank you again for your kind offer :)
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:07 AM C R <cajhne@...400... mailto:cajhne@...400...> wrote:
There's really no need to re-print. All I need is Maren's address. If I get that today, I'll send it out today. :) -C On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 8:01 AM Jürgen Weigert <jnweiger@...847...0... <mailto:jnweiger@...400...>> wrote: Yeah, I'll make a new one during the next week and send it to Maren. Did not even unpack the printer yet - all busy with videotaping the ownCloud conference this week and somewhat lazy in the evenings... cheers, JW- Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...>> schrieb am Mi., 19. Sep. 2018 23:13: Am 19.09.2018 um 22:23 schrieb C R: > Hi. Still in the middle of it, but just to answer your question, I took > the Kitz mocha stencil with me along with other bits of the choco-powder > delivery system. > Everyone left so quickly, I didn't want to risk it being tossed away by > the cleaning crew or something. > > Then it turns out I stayed for a bit the day after the hackfest, and > honestly, just forgot about it. > > I'd be happy to send it to you if you'd like to gift it. I mainly just > didn't want it binned when we had said there were plans for it. :) - That's what I thought - the room was very clean, too (thanks, everyone!). Jürgen has already offered to print another one. Given the higher postage costs from GB and that he might already have started to do so, I'd say that you should keep it as a souvenir :) Maren > email me your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail with some > cardboard to reinforce it on the way. > > Thanks! > -C > > On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 3:58 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...> > <mailto:maren@...3165... <mailto:maren@...3165...>>> wrote: > > Am 17.09.2018 um 15:20 schrieb C R: > > Hey folks. > > I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish > > the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer > these > > questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary. > > > > 1. What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest? > > - I tried to make sure everyone had what they needed to be able to work > on Inkscape without needing to worry about the rest - this included > things like shopping for food, making arrangements with the Kitz, > plucking apples, baking pretzels, dealing out keys and access chips, > translating menus (food), buying tickets, watching weather forecasts and > answering surprising text messages. I also took care of a couple of > external visitors to the hackfest. On Wednesday, I herded the Inkscapers > through Kiel, to the computer museum and (some) back. > > I spent most of my time finding, testing, understanding new features and > then documenting them in the release notes for 1.0. Some time on the > first and second day was spent on fixing my auto-compilation script for > using it with git submodules. During testing, I also found a couple of > bugs and reported them. > > Due to Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage approaching, I also spent a > large fraction of my time at the hackfest on working for that. > > Then I wrote some daily summaries up in the forums, so there was a way > that people who couldn't attend were able to get a small impression of > what was happening. > > On Tuesday, I intended to just watch how Martin was doing short > usability tests with some unbiased Kitz employees - but then let myself > be talked into doing some of them myself. > > And - again, thanks to Martin - I've asked for help with setting up an > online translation service for Inkscape, and helped test Inkscape's > instance. Both of these seem to be developing well. > > > 2. What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest > > this year? > > - I enabled a very productive meeting with some really awesome and > motivated devs. > > > 3. What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the > > hackfest? > > - Leaning back from the table and seeing with how much dedication the > guys around me were working on making Inkscape better. > > Standing on the deck of the ferry with the wind in my face, glad that > all Inkscapers had made it on board in time. > > (and inviting one of those peaceful, legally protected wasps on a spoon, > and carrying it over to a flower, where it hopped off, and never came > back - this wouldn't have worked with all species of wasps, though) > > > 4. Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest? > > - Yes, of course - I spent the night after the official end coordinating > with Ryan Gorley (thanks!) on some small handouts and posters for a > makeshift booth at Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage, and was there at > the Inkscape table for some of the time the next days. I also presented > Inkscape in a 2-minute-talk during Kielux' attending projects > presentations twice. And then there was some cleanup to do for the room > etc. > > I'm far from finished with documenting LPEs (and they keep getting > better). Also, I want to work on getting Weblate, the translation > software (after Manuel and Chris will have installed it) into a > production-ready state, with Patrick's help, and I've already read > through a lot of its documentation and played with it locally on my > computer. And then, there are some things that I usually do for > Inkscape, but that I needed to put off until after the hackfest. > > > 5. Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape > > project? > > - No - and that wouldn't be good anyway. Right now, I'm quite exhausted, > and highly motivated to do some garden work ;-) > > > 6. Anything else you'd like to include. :) > > > > Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, > > (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary > > first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the > sooner I > > can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete > summary. > > - I've uploaded ours into the shared space, maybe some of them will be > useful. > > > Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with > > all of you. Last week. > > - Thanks for the tea and the stickers, CR :) Btw. you left a tea stick > here (maybe intentionally) - how is it used? Do you want it back? (also > the children's scissors). And where did the Kitz stencil go? I thought > it was supposed to be gifted to the Kitz... > > Looking forward to the video! > > Maren > > > > > -C > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Inkscape-devel mailing list > > <> > < <>> > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape-devel mailing list > <> > < <>> > > _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list <>

- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
- inverted y-axis desktop coordinates -> fix committed - worked on "extensions" repository to get most tests passing
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
- getting to know the team and learning more about how the Inkscape project works (this was my first hackfest) - learning about ninja/ccache/no-install build setup which saves me a lot of time :-)
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
- Meeting very likable people - Late-night coding with SUSE beer ;-)
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Met a colleague for lunch (we both work remote at opposite ends of Germany).
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
Yes. Though, time will remain the limiting factor, not lack of motivation.
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thanks to Maren for organizing everything!

On Mon, 2018-09-17 at 14:20 +0100, C R wrote:
Hey folks.I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Mostly SVG 2 Text GUI.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel
hackfest this year?
Discussions with others, both on technical issues and on user issues. CR came up with a great idea for improving the text GUI!
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
Being with other Inkscapers.
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Not really. I did really enjoy the city tour with visit to the computer museum (the teletype brought back great childhood memories!).
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
A special thanks to our host Maren! And encouragement to all Inkscapers to attend future hackfests. Tav
Thanks for your comments. I'll begin posting video content this week, (3-4 videos in total), witht he goal of releasing the hackfest summary first, so the sooner everyone responds to this information, the sooner I can put it together with some accompanying photos into a complete summary.
Thanks for you help, and it was super cool to be able to hang out with all of you. Last week.
_______________________________________________Inkscape-devel mailing

On 09/17/2018 03:20 PM, C R wrote:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
Woops, I realize I planned to, then forgot :D
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Mostly performance improvements in core areas[to be precise : tracing where some operations spent most time and trying to optimize those, ending up in changing some XML containers and improved prefs lookup, not sure it's worth going into details], also trying to add built-in autotrace support for centerline tracing, plus pre-planning a possible timing for 1.0
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
Meeting everyone! Plus being able to help others e.g. with speeding the build or with some parts of the code or interact with Martin about UI, but also having lots of time dedicated to focus on Inkscape without interruptions
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
The trip to the museum, and getting an intergalactic passport from the people from the upper floor during the Kieler open source day!
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Yes, a patch I wanted to land is not ready, some Inkscape internals are really tricky. Oh, and I also stayed at the Open source event :)
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
Nah, that would not be healthy, it's already past midnight and I'm writing to the ml
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thank Maren for the organization!!

Am 21.09.2018 um 00:48 schrieb Marc Jeanmougin:
On 09/17/2018 03:20 PM, C R wrote:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest summary.
Woops, I realize I planned to, then forgot :D
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Mostly performance improvements in core areas[to be precise : tracing where some operations spent most time and trying to optimize those, ending up in changing some XML containers and improved prefs lookup, not sure it's worth going into details], also trying to add built-in autotrace support for centerline tracing, plus pre-planning a possible timing for 1.0
- I'm currently working on news translation (and fixing up some more things in the English one as I come across them) - I'll include the performance improvements you worked on, Marc.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
Meeting everyone! Plus being able to help others e.g. with speeding the build or with some parts of the code or interact with Martin about UI, but also having lots of time dedicated to focus on Inkscape without interruptions
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
The trip to the museum, and getting an intergalactic passport from the people from the upper floor during the Kieler open source day!
- I got one, too :) Be sure to take a look under UV light ;-)
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Yes, a patch I wanted to land is not ready, some Inkscape internals are really tricky. Oh, and I also stayed at the Open source event :)
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
Nah, that would not be healthy, it's already past midnight and I'm writing to the ml
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thank Maren for the organization!!
Inkscape-devel mailing list

I was going to add Marc's Hackfest stuff to the page, but I see someone has already done it. :) Thanks!
On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 12:01 AM Maren Hachmann <maren@...3165...> wrote:
Am 21.09.2018 um 00:48 schrieb Marc Jeanmougin:
On 09/17/2018 03:20 PM, C R wrote:
Hey folks. I'm going to do a writeup of the hackfest to accompany and help finish the video content. If each of the hackfest attendees could answer these questions for me, I'll combine all of it into the hackfest
Woops, I realize I planned to, then forgot :D
- What did you work on during the Kiel hackfest?
Mostly performance improvements in core areas[to be precise : tracing where some operations spent most time and trying to optimize those, ending up in changing some XML containers and improved prefs lookup, not sure it's worth going into details], also trying to add built-in autotrace support for centerline tracing, plus pre-planning a possible timing for 1.0
- I'm currently working on news translation (and fixing up some more
things in the English one as I come across them) - I'll include the performance improvements you worked on, Marc.
- What do you consider the best benefit to being at the Kiel hackfest
this year?
Meeting everyone! Plus being able to help others e.g. with speeding the build or with some parts of the code or interact with Martin about UI, but also having lots of time dedicated to focus on Inkscape without interruptions
- What were the most fun things or things you most enjoyed about the
The trip to the museum, and getting an intergalactic passport from the people from the upper floor during the Kieler open source day!
- I got one, too :) Be sure to take a look under UV light ;-)
- Did your hackfest activities extend beyond the hackfest?
Yes, a patch I wanted to land is not ready, some Inkscape internals are really tricky. Oh, and I also stayed at the Open source event :)
- Did the hackfest increase your motivation to work on the Inkscape
Nah, that would not be healthy, it's already past midnight and I'm writing to the ml
- Anything else you'd like to include. :)
Thank Maren for the organization!!
Inkscape-devel mailing list
Inkscape-devel mailing list
participants (10)
Bryce Harrington
Jabier Arraiza
Jürgen Weigert
Marc Jeanmougin
Maren Hachmann
Patrick Storz
Tavmjong Bah
Thomas Holder