Re: [Inkscape-devel] Cmake build stuff

Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! # Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.4
# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. default_target: all
all: cmake_check_build_system $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /data3/CD/programme/fltk/djv_74b11/CMakeFiles $(CMAKE_ALL_PROGRESS) $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /data3/CD/programme/fltk/djv_74b11/CMakeFiles 0
Do you have an other version or output? The above is just an example.
Here's a Makefile I have lying around from June of 2007:
# Include the progress variables for this target. include progress.make
# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! # Generated by "MinGW Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.4
#============================================================================= # Set environment variables for the build.
SHELL = cmd.exe
# The CMake executable. CMAKE_COMMAND = c:\cmake\bin\cmake.exe
# The command to remove a file. RM = c:\cmake\bin\cmake.exe -E remove -f
# The program to use to edit the cache. CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND = c:\cmake\bin\CMakeSetup.exe
# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = C:\src\lib2geom
# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = C:\src\2geom_build
# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. default_target: all
# The main all target all: cmake_check_build_system $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start C:\src\2geom_build\CMakeFiles $(CMAKE_ALL_PROGRESS) $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start C:\src\2geom_build\CMakeFiles 0
Aaron Spike
participants (1)
Aaron Spike