= Inkscape 0.40 =
'Draw Freely'
The Inkscape community is proud to announce the release 0.40 of Inkscape, "A Cross-platform Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Drawing Tool." This release includes three majorly requested new capabilities: Layers, Text-on-Path, and Bitmap tracing. In addition, there are many minor features, a number of usability enhancements, three new tutorials, and hundreds of bug fixes. This is by far the most feature-packed release the project has had. This is all due to the strong developers that have contributed countless hours on Inkscape 0.40.
Following our last release four months ago, we have focused intensively on development, adding several new dependencies such as the Boehm garbage collector and the stable Gtk 2.4 libraries. Because of this, user's may encounter more trouble getting Inkscape installed on some platforms than in previous releases. To help those who run into this issue, we're also providing 'Static Binary' packages that include these new libraries inside the package, and thus, the static releases are very large.
Download your packages:
For many more details, see the Release Notes for 0.40:
Community submitted screenshots:
Hello, all.
Here is a (rough) Spanish translation. Feel free to change anything to localize it even further.
= Inkscape 0.40 =
'Draw Freely'
La comunidad de Inkscape se enorgullece en presentar la versión 0.40 de Inkscape, "Una herramienta de dibujo multiplataforma de código abierto para gráficos vectoriales (SVG)". Esta versión incluye tres de las características más frecuentemente solicitadas: Capas (layers), texto sobre curvas (text-on-path), y vectorización (bitmap tracing). Además, hay una gran cantidad de pequeñas adiciones, un buen número de mejoras en la usabilidad, tres nuevos tutoriales, y cientos de pequeñas correcciones. Ésta es, sin duda, la versión más rica en funcionalidad que el proyecto haya tenido, gracias a los bravos desarrolladores que han contribuido incontables horas de trabajo a Inkscape 0.40.
Después de la última versión de Inkscape, salida hace 4 meses, nos enfocamos intensamente en el desarrollo, añadiendo una gran cantidad de dependencias, como el recolector de basura Boehm (Boehm Garbage Collector) y las librerías estables de Gtk 2.4. Debido a esto, el usuario podría toparse con más problemas para instalar Inkscape en algunas plataformas a comparación de versiones previas. Para ayudar a aquéllos que se encuentren en esta situación, estamos también proveyendo paquetes binarios "estáticos", que incluyen esas nuevas librerías dentro del paquete, y que por lo tanto son bastante grandes.
Descargue sus paquetes:
Para más detalles, lea las notas de la 0.40:
Capturas de pantalla de la comunidad:
Daniel Díaz yosoy@...31...
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 23:54:03 -0800 (PST), Bryce Harrington <bryce@...260...> wrote:
= Inkscape 0.40 = 'Draw Freely' http://www.inkscape.org/
The Inkscape community is proud to announce the release 0.40 of Inkscape, "A Cross-platform Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Drawing Tool." This release includes three majorly requested new capabilities: Layers, Text-on-Path, and Bitmap tracing. In addition, there are many minor features, a number of usability enhancements, three new tutorials, and hundreds of bug fixes. This is by far the most feature-packed release the project has had. This is all due to the strong developers that have contributed countless hours on Inkscape 0.40.
Following our last release four months ago, we have focused intensively on development, adding several new dependencies such as the Boehm garbage collector and the stable Gtk 2.4 libraries. Because of this, user's may encounter more trouble getting Inkscape installed on some platforms than in previous releases. To help those who run into this issue, we're also providing 'Static Binary' packages that include these new libraries inside the package, and thus, the static releases are very large.
Download your packages:
For many more details, see the Release Notes for 0.40:
Community submitted screenshots:
On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 11:54:03PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Download your packages:
Who's doing the Windows build? This should get up there, since that's a large section of our users, I think.
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
Daniel Díaz
Kees Cook