[UX] Default value for live effects parameters updateable

Hi all [UX] folks!
I have done a work to allow storing diferent default values for live effects parameters.
By this way a user can have a fixed "stroke width" parameter in a concrete live effect for new uses instead than currently, what always is reseted to harcoded default ones.
First of all, here is the current state of the code
Code: https://code.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/lpeUpdDefaultPa rams Screenshot: https://inkscape.org/en/~jabiertxof/%E2%98%85ui-for-lpe-def aults-params
As now is fully functional not sure if is easy to explain and my texts info in widgets need to be improved.
By default no default storable params since we go into:
"preferences dialog->select_lpe->active_desired_parameter".
Once is done, when using this effect, the desired parameter has a "*" mark to show is defaultable and apply current values pressing "Set BUTTON" or remove the custom one to go into harcode defaults pressing "Reset button".
Anyway we need a work defining the strings for labels, buttons, prefs to try to be more understable.
Thanks again for reading, Jabier.
participants (1)
Jabier Arraiza