[Fwd: OpenSource library for Biharmonic Diffusion Curves]

----- Forwarded message from barla <pascal.barla@...3252...> -----
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 17:18:51 +0200 From: barla <pascal.barla@...3252...> To: tavmjong@...8..., th.v.d.gronde@...528..., j.b.c.engelen@...3066..., bryce@...961... CC: Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@...3253...>, Simon Boyé <sim.boye@...1761....400...> Subject: OpenSource library for Biharmonic Diffusion Curves
We had discussed by email quite a long time ago about a library we were working on that implements Biharmonic Diffusion Curves. We eventually released a first version a few weeks ago, as part of our Patate Library : http://patate.gforge.inria.fr/html/vitelotte_user_manual_page.html
It implements the paper "A vectorial solver for free-form vector gradients http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2366145.2366192" (I've put my co-authors in CC). Starting from a mesh with constrained curves or points, it provides routines for harmonic and biharmonic diffusion using FEM.
Do not hesitate to give us feedback on the library module ! In particular, we wonder how it could fit in (or be converted to) the SVG format. A new version of the library with a few new features (color spaces, Bezier curves) should be out during the summer.
Best regards, Pascal Barla.
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participants (1)
Bryce Harrington