Hello everyone. I've been playing with Inkscape for a while now, keep up the good work.
I am interested in Flash export functionality for Inkscape. Are any developers working on this? I would be interested in helping out.

On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 09:01 -0500, diskofish@...127... wrote:
I am interested in Flash export functionality for Inkscape. Are any developers working on this? I would be interested in helping out.
I'm not currently aware of anyone working on it. The guy from Spalah had said he intended to use it as an output filter for Inkscape to enable flash export, but I haven't heard from him for quite a while. I'd assume that is no longer being worked on.
Inkscape supports using external scripts for the import and export of data. While this causes some limitations, it does allow for more flexibility of things like programming languages. I don't want to limit your creative problem solving, but wanted to throw that out as a possibility. Plus, an svg2swf utility might be useful for other projects also.
Other than that, feel free to ask questions when you have them. This is definitely a popular feature that will get lots of people's attention when complete. Although SVG browser support is getting better, there is still more Flash support.

On 3/30/06, diskofish@...127... <diskofish@...127...> wrote:
Hello everyone. I've been playing with Inkscape for a while now, keep up the good work.
I am interested in Flash export functionality for Inkscape. Are any developers working on this? I would be interested in helping out.
This is an often requested feature. Static flash export is not too hard to do, and we even had a couple of patches for it (I think you can dig them out in our tracker), but this never led anywhere.
So I think what we need is someone who can not only code but also encourage others, test, document, fix bugs, and in general be a "project leader" representing this new feature. If you are this person, welcome :)
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

# from bulia byak # on Thursday 30 March 2006 07:21 am:
I am interested in Flash export functionality for Inkscape. Are any developers working on this? I would be interested in helping out.
This is an often requested feature. Static flash export is not too hard to do
The uberconverter does not plan to support animation very soon either, but one of the developers had expressed interest (not time) in adding flash support. The chromista hub is a good fit for static flash data. Language choice is completely open as long as you can load YAML files.
Besides the obvious benefits of being connected to XAR and eventually DXF,DWG,PS,PDF, you also get to take advantage of the SVG library work that I'm doing rather than being tied to Java. I've been bumping into some oddities in Illustrator's SVG which I don't believe anyone should have to suffer :-)
Plus, I'm currently working on a test files database, which should get interesting.

I did a search though the patch archive for swf and Flash, and it did not yield any results. Any suggestions? If there is an existing patch, I would prefer not to start from scratch.
bulia byak wrote:
On 3/30/06, diskofish@...127... <diskofish@...127...> wrote:
Hello everyone. I've been playing with Inkscape for a while now, keep up the good work.
I am interested in Flash export functionality for Inkscape. Are any developers working on this? I would be interested in helping out.
This is an often requested feature. Static flash export is not too hard to do, and we even had a couple of patches for it (I think you can dig them out in our tracker), but this never led anywhere.

Here it is:
And another project that was going to become an export extension but also seems to have stalled:
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

I was actually planning on using the Ming lib for this project. Is there a problem with just linking the ming lib into the extension statically?
Or even just compiling the needed bits of the Ming code directly into the extension?
Here is why the patch was rejected:
Date: 2005-06-30 22:12 Sender: gouldtj http://sourceforge.net/users/gouldtj/Project Admin http://sourceforge.net/help/icon_legend.php?context=group_admin&uname=gouldtj&this_group=93438&return_to=%2F Logged In: YES user_id=140927
Sorry to take so long on this, but we're not going to include this patch. There are a couple of reasons. The first is that this functionality can already be provided in Inkscape using spalah as an Inkscape extension. Spalah is definitly lacking on some ways that your plugin is good, but we'd like to start using the extension approach in the future, and spalah can do some things your code can't. Also, we really don't want to add a dependency on ming. I realize it is a configure option, but the reality is that no one compiles from source. If we don't make it the default, no one will ever see the code. It's the sad reality of open source today.
Thanks for your contribution, I hope that you will consider contributing to Spalah, or to Inkscape in other ways. Sorry again to take so long to get back to you.

On 5/4/06, Brian <diskofish@...127...> wrote:
I was actually planning on using the Ming lib for this project. Is there a problem with just linking the ming lib into the extension statically?
Or even just compiling the needed bits of the Ming code directly into the extension?
I'm not the linking guru here, but I certainly would not object to any of these options if it gives us a working Flash export.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On Thu, 4 May 2006, Brian wrote:
I was actually planning on using the Ming lib for this project. Is there a problem with just linking the ming lib into the extension statically?
Or even just compiling the needed bits of the Ming code directly into the extension?
I don't have time to look it up right now, but if I remember right the Ming library wasn't well distributed. Not all distros had it in their main repositories. So, yeah, including the appropriate Ming code would probably be prefered.
Also, at the time the Spalah method of Flash export looked really promising, so it was easy to be choosey :) I think now we're more interested in getting the feature.
participants (5)
bulia byak
Eric Wilhelm
Ted Gould