Re: [Inkscape-devel] FOP (SVG2PDF)

Thus creation of previously announced Üver-Convertor (I'm lost for
words to express my disagreement with this nietschianish name, actually) is quite a good solution.
Heh. You're not the first. It started as a working title and sort of stuck, but right now it seems to be about 50/50 for and against the name (I wonder why that is?)
Why? and
weehihi :)
First i *really* had to think what's about nitzsche and "Über" :) Maybe you should realize that Germans use "über" in more than 99,99% in absolutely different and normal contexts.
Maybe the translation of a common folksong will be more pleasant: "Über den Wolken muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein..." "Over the clouds, i guess freedom is borderless. All fears and sorrows stay hidden beyond, they say. [...]"
This song was banned in the former Federal Republic of Germany :)

You wrote
Thus creation of previously announced Üver-Convertor (I'm lost for
words to express my disagreement with this nietschianish name,
"Über den Wolken muss die Freiheit wohl grenzenlos sein..." "Over the clouds, i guess freedom is borderless. All fears and sorrows stay hidden beyond, they say. [...]"
Yes. But Nietzsche can defend himself. If the original lamenter had carefully read the link he gave he'd have read:
It is worth noting that Nietzsche's thought largely stands opposed to Nazism. In particular, Nietzsche despised anti-Semitism (which partially led to his falling out with composer Richard Wagner) and nationalism.
Nietzsche simply was a poet, and close to Buddhism. His sister was a Nazi who abused his work for her goals.
Please close this thread now, ralf
participants (2)
Daniel Stiefelmaier
Ralf Stephan