Some insight into crash in EAN13 barcode generator
Hi all,
I was excited to see the barcode generator plugin in Inkscape 0.46, finally I can make my own EAN-13 barcodes for book jacket designs :-)
I ran into this bug though, while testing 64 Studio 3.0 beta 3, which is Ubuntu Hardy LTS based. The Inkscape package is the same binary as in Hardy.
I think I found the cause, a bug in the plugin. If you select Barcode Type as EAN13 and enter 13 digits into the Barcode Data field, which is correct according to:
you get the error as shown in the Launchpad ticket. If you enter any number of digits other than 12 or 13, it warns:
Can not encode '97819050823' into EAN13 Barcode, Size must be 12 numbers only No barcode was generated
However if you enter the first 12 digits of an ISBN-13, Inkscape will generate a bogus EAN-13 barcode, which will probably not scan in book stores because it has the final checksum digit missing.
I think there's been a mix-up between 12 digit UPC barcodes and 13 digit EAN-13 barcodes used for book ISBN's. Sorry if this is too obvious and you knew about the problem already.
If anyone has a barcode scanner available, I would love to do some quality control testing on this feature, because once it's printed on the back of the book, it's too late to change :-)
Daniel James wrote:
This bug was fixed in SVN revision 20466.
Aaron Spike
Hi Aaron,
That change to fixes this bug for me, I can now make a barcode with all 13 digits - thanks! Now all I have to do is get out a magnifying glass and see if I can decode it :-)
This might seem like an edge case, but this EAN-13 support really is a killer feature for designing book jackets and other kinds of product packaging. Otherwise you have to leave a white rectangle and hope the guy at the printers gets it right. You have to pay extra for them to make you a barcode too.
This bug was fixed in SVN revision 20466.
Great, I have marked this in Launchpad as 'in progress' rather than 'fix commited' because I can't see the patch in the Ubuntu changelog:
I guess they'll get the change when they package 0.47 though.
Hi Aaron,
After applying your fix, I've proof-read an Inkscape-generated EAN-13 barcode against the colored-background samples shown here:
and the bars are all correct :-)
I don't know how well it would work with a typical barcode scanner in a store - I guess most people in the 'first world' have had that experience where you get to the checkout and the barcode can't be scanned by the machine. Happily, Inkscape prints the human-readable number underneath the barcode, so it can be tapped in manually if scanning fails.
participants (3)
Aaron Spike
Daniel James
Jon A. Cruz