Message from Inkscape submission form
Please note, that the submitter may not read this list. CC your answer to the submitter
name: Anna email: anna.1704@...112...
submitted the following:
Hi, I'm disposable to help to translate from french to italian some Inkscape tutorials already published in this site. If you are interested, please contact me. Regards

name: Anna submitted the following: I'm disposable to help to translate from french to italian some Inkscape tutorials already published in this site. If you are interested, please contact me.
Has anyone contacted her? (If not, I will.)
Arpad Biro
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Arpad Biro <biro_arpad@...36...> scrisse:
name: Anna submitted the following: I'm disposable to help to translate from french to italian some Inkscape tutorials already published in this site. If you are interested, please contact me.
Has anyone contacted her? (If not, I will.)
I've already sent her a mail... Now I'm waiting for an answer...
Arpad Biro
Ciao, Luca
participants (3)
Arpad Biro
Luca Bruno