Gradient with beziercurves....

Hi Devs,
i think, the gradientool are great and useful, but this could be more advanced.
Nice function are the points on the gradientline, but the line should be handle in the second mode like a curve or bezier. every point should the graident tagential to the line or curve.
the other option could be possible to convert the bezier-tool into a gradienttool.
please all devs help me or take me the way to great this funktion.
i like inkscape and i think this is the number one of vector-tools.

On 6/3/10, Axel Richter wrote:
Nice function are the points on the gradientline, but the line should be handle in the second mode like a curve or bezier. every point should the graident tagential to the line or curve.
A gradient along path, in other words?

Axel Richter wrote:
... Nice function are the points on the gradientline, but the line should be handle in the second mode like a curve or bezier. every point should the graident tagential to the line or curve.
the other option could be possible to convert the bezier-tool into a gradienttool. ...
There is definitely some room for improvement in Inkscape's gradient functionality. Currently me and some others (including people in the SVG WG) are looking into Diffusion Curves, this is not exactly what you describe, but it might suit your needs:
If you definitely need something different I'd love to hear about it (and perhaps you could make a mockup of what you're trying to do).
participants (3)
Alexandre Prokoudine
Axel Richter
Jasper van de Gronde