Hi all,
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
It was a couple of weeks ago, but this is what I remember I did:
* Updated the dependencies to the ones in the Inkscape 0.41 ebuild currently in Gentoo bugzilla. * Changed the "x86" keyword to "~x86" -- a CVS ebuild should definitely not have a stable keyword. * Changed "econf || die" to "econf ${G2CONF} || die" so that USE flags actually work.
I think that's it.
If someone could put it on the Inkscape website in place of the old one I'd be grateful. It's attached.
Regards, Jon

On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 11:43:53AM +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
Hi all,
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
Cool, thanks!
It was a couple of weeks ago, but this is what I remember I did:
- Updated the dependencies to the ones in the Inkscape 0.41 ebuild
currently in Gentoo bugzilla.
- Changed the "x86" keyword to "~x86" -- a CVS ebuild should definitely
not have a stable keyword.
- Changed "econf || die" to "econf ${G2CONF} || die" so that USE flags
actually work.
I think that's it.
If someone could put it on the Inkscape website in place of the old one I'd be grateful. It's attached.
If it's a wiki page, you should be able to make this change directly - click the 'Upload' link at the top of the page to upload your file, then change the Wiki page to point to it accordingly.
Regards, Jon
-- Jonathan Leighton aka. Turnip http://turnipspatch.com/ | http://digital-proof.org/
# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # This is not the 1.0 version ! This is a cvs ebuild # By Dell'aiera Pol (id jabber: pol@...592...) # Just put this file in /usr/portage/media-gfx/inkscape/ then run 'emerge inkscape' # Report bug @ blenderman@...593... or via jabber.
ECVS_MODULE="inkscape" ECVS_CVS_OPTIONS="-dP" ECVS_SERVER="cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/inkscape"
inherit cvs
DESCRIPTION="A SVG based generic vector-drawing program" HOMEPAGE="http://www.inkscape.org/"
LICENSE="GPL-2 LGPL-2.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64" IUSE="gnome mmx doc"
=media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16 =dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.7 =x11-libs/pango-1.4.0
dev-perl/XML-Parser virtual/xft media-libs/fontconfig dev-libs/popt sys-libs/zlib media-libs/libpng =sys-devel/gcc-3*
=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0.3 =dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.4
gnome? ( >=gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.2 >=gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.2 )
DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-devel/gettext dev-util/pkgconfig
src_compile() { ./autogen.sh || die G2CONF="${G2CONF} --with-xft --with-popt" use mmx || G2CONF="${G2CONF} --disable-mmx" use gnome && G2CONF="${G2CONF} --with-gnome-print"
econf ${G2CONF} || die emake || die }
src_install() { DOCS="AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog HACKING NEWS README" make DESTDIR=${D} install || die }

Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 11:43:53AM +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
Hi all,
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
Cool, thanks!
It was a couple of weeks ago, but this is what I remember I did:
- Updated the dependencies to the ones in the Inkscape 0.41 ebuild
currently in Gentoo bugzilla.
- Changed the "x86" keyword to "~x86" -- a CVS ebuild should definitely
not have a stable keyword.
- Changed "econf || die" to "econf ${G2CONF} || die" so that USE flags
actually work.
I think that's it.
If someone could put it on the Inkscape website in place of the old one I'd be grateful. It's attached.
If it's a wiki page, you should be able to make this change directly - click the 'Upload' link at the top of the page to upload your file, then change the Wiki page to point to it accordingly.
It's not -- the file is currently at http://www.inkscape.org/doc/inkscape-1.0.ebuild. However, perhaps it *should* be a wiki file?

Jonathan Leighton <turnip@...583...> writes:
It's not -- the file is currently at http://www.inkscape.org/doc/inkscape-1.0.ebuild. However, perhaps it *should* be a wiki file?
Something that's supposed to be an input to something that is to be run as root should probably not be changeable by everybody - too easy to smuggly in an "rm -rf *" or similar. (emerge is to be run as root, isn't it?)
Cheers, Colin

On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 04:55:43PM +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
Bryce Harrington wrote:
If it's a wiki page, you should be able to make this change directly - click the 'Upload' link at the top of the page to upload your file, then change the Wiki page to point to it accordingly.
It's not -- the file is currently at http://www.inkscape.org/doc/inkscape-1.0.ebuild. However, perhaps it *should* be a wiki file?
Sure, go ahead and set it up that way. Or add it to the Inkscape CVS packaging directory.

On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 11:43 +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
Hi all,
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
It was a couple of weeks ago, but this is what I remember I did:
- Updated the dependencies to the ones in the Inkscape 0.41 ebuild
currently in Gentoo bugzilla.
- Changed the "x86" keyword to "~x86" -- a CVS ebuild should definitely
not have a stable keyword.
- Changed "econf || die" to "econf ${G2CONF} || die" so that USE flags
actually work.
I think that's it.
If someone could put it on the Inkscape website in place of the old one I'd be grateful. It's attached.
Very cool...make sure to push this upstream to the Inkscape Gentoo maintainer. You can find through their website. The current stable version is 0.37, but unstable (~x86) is 0.40 rc 1
Cool! Jon
plain text document attachment (inkscape-1.0.ebuild) # Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # This is not the 1.0 version ! This is a cvs ebuild # By Dell'aiera Pol (id jabber: pol@...592...) # Just put this file in /usr/portage/media-gfx/inkscape/ then run 'emerge inkscape' # Report bug @ blenderman@...593... or via jabber.
ECVS_MODULE="inkscape" ECVS_CVS_OPTIONS="-dP" ECVS_SERVER="cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/inkscape"
inherit cvs
DESCRIPTION="A SVG based generic vector-drawing program" HOMEPAGE="http://www.inkscape.org/"
LICENSE="GPL-2 LGPL-2.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64" IUSE="gnome mmx doc"
=media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16 =dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.7 =x11-libs/pango-1.4.0
dev-perl/XML-Parser virtual/xft media-libs/fontconfig dev-libs/popt sys-libs/zlib media-libs/libpng =sys-devel/gcc-3*
=dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0.3 =dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.4
gnome? ( >=gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.2 >=gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.2 )
DEPEND="${RDEPEND} sys-devel/gettext dev-util/pkgconfig
src_compile() { ./autogen.sh || die G2CONF="${G2CONF} --with-xft --with-popt" use mmx || G2CONF="${G2CONF} --disable-mmx" use gnome && G2CONF="${G2CONF} --with-gnome-print"
econf ${G2CONF} || die emake || die }
src_install() { DOCS="AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog HACKING NEWS README" make DESTDIR=${D} install || die }

Jon Phillips wrote:
On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 11:43 +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
Hi all,
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
It was a couple of weeks ago, but this is what I remember I did:
- Updated the dependencies to the ones in the Inkscape 0.41 ebuild
currently in Gentoo bugzilla.
- Changed the "x86" keyword to "~x86" -- a CVS ebuild should definitely
not have a stable keyword.
- Changed "econf || die" to "econf ${G2CONF} || die" so that USE flags
actually work.
I think that's it.
If someone could put it on the Inkscape website in place of the old one I'd be grateful. It's attached.
Very cool...make sure to push this upstream to the Inkscape Gentoo maintainer. You can find through their website. The current stable version is 0.37, but unstable (~x86) is 0.40 rc 1
Cool! Jon
Jon I think you mis-understood a bit. There is already a 0.41 ebuild in the Gentoo bugzilla. There is also a CVS ebuild linked on the "CompilingGentoo" Inkscape wiki page. The CVS one is a little bit outdated, and the USE flags didn't work, etc. So I had modified it for my purposes -- I borrowed some stuff (like the deps) from the 0.41 ebuild in the Gentoo bugzilla, and thus produced that ebuild. I was just sending it to the list in the hope that it could go on the website and be useful to somebody else ; ).
Cheers, Jon

Jonathan Leighton wrote:
I made some changes for myself to the ebuild I found in the wiki, but thought it would be good to share them with everyone else too.
This is excellent. We definitely need to keep up-to-date on Gentoo. Thanks.
With gcc4.0.0 appearing in a few days, maybe it would be good to change that to >= ? I noticed that Portage already lists a prerelease of it.

Bob Jamison wrote:
With gcc4.0.0 appearing in a few days, maybe it would be good to change that to >= ? I noticed that Portage already lists a prerelease of it.
Agreed. I just copied the deps from the one in Gentoo bugzilla -- I didn't think about anything like that. But yeah, it's a good idea.
New ebuild attached :)
participants (5)
Bob Jamison
Bryce Harrington
Colin Marquardt
Jon Phillips
Jonathan Leighton