Bug in Extracting Objects by ID?
I am very new to both Inkscape and SVG, but I think I have found a little bug. I would be happy to get the source and try to fix it, but I would like confirmation that it is, indeed a bug. I am trying to extract objects by ID into plain SVG files with the command-line interface. For example:
inkscape -z -i blue -j -l blue.svg drawing.sv
This extracts the object, all right, but it doesn't appear in the right place, so that the icon is blank. For example, drawing.svg has a blue rectange (ID blue) whose dimensions are shown in the UI as height 150, width 200, x=100, y=625. The height of the document is 1052.36220 (A4 at 90 dpi.) When I look at drawing.svg in a text editor, there's a little rounding: width="199.01431" height="149.01431" x="100.49285" y="277.85504"
The difference in the
participants (1)
Saul Spatz