I finally tried the new align dialog. I realize it's a work in progress but still here are some comments:
- BUG: when I open the align dialog, then switch to another
non-Inkscape window and then back to Inkscape, the dialog disappears. Even when I switch focus to the editing window, the dialog disappears (not only sinks but disappears completely). This does not
happen >with
e.g. Fill&Stroke dialog, and it must be fixed as soon as
Yes, I know. This is because the dialog must be made transient (in the Docker.cpp init() method). But as the window is stil old c GTK, I can't perform it. I tried a first approach to convert the window (AFAIK, the widget member in SPCanvas struct) to a Gtk::Window, but failed to do it in the time I had.
- merging the two tabs into one makes sense, but then remove
the lone "Align" tab
My objective is to have drag and dropable toolboxes from one docker to another. Maybe Layout is a better tab name ?
- the new title "Docker" tells me nothing - Align and
Distribute is what it does, so that is the title it should use; also don't lose the shortcut listed in the dialog title, as in all other dialogs
I was wondering how to name the dialog : the name of the currently shown toolbox, or something like "InkScape Toolbox" ?
- the anchor menu must have an appropriate label, e.g.
"Relative to:"
I agree
- the anchor meny only applies to alignment, not
distribution, and therefore must be inside the Align frame
Agree too, I've already done this on my local copy
- the old behavior corresponds to Selection, and therefore
Selection must be the first and the default selected item in the anchor menu; it's also the most intuitive
OK, I did not noticed that
- the Last/First Selected items may be confusing, because in
many cases the order or selection is undefined (e.g. when you do a rubberband around several objects), so please remove them and add Top/Bottom Object (referring to z-order) instead
Good idea !
- in the node mode, none of the anchor menu items make sense
(nodes have no bigger/smaller, no z-order, etc) so the menu must be removed, instead it should always align within the bounding box of the selected nodes
Agree too, I've already done this on my local copy
It looks very promising, so I look forward to your further work on this! :)
Glad to see you like it. Unfortunaltely (at least for you), I'll be on holydays for the next 3 weeks. I will not have network access and higly doubt I'll have time to code [hwo knows, I it rains all the day ?]. But as soon as it's finished, I 'll be back onboard.
Let me know your thoughts, OBI
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- merging the two tabs into one makes sense, but then remove
the lone "Align" tab
My objective is to have drag and dropable toolboxes from one docker to another. Maybe Layout is a better tab name ?
OK, so if we have tabs freely draggable from one docker to another, then:
- the tab with Align and Distribute controls can indeed be called Layout (at least it's short enough, "Align and Distribute" is too long for a tab head)
- each draggable tab must have its own shortcut (i.e. the current per-dialog shortcuts must be made per-tab)
- the title of each docker must list all the tabs it currently has, with their shortcuts, e.g.:
Layout (Ctrl+Shift+A), Fill (Ctrl+Shift+F), Preferences (Ctrl+Shift+P)
Yes it's long, but it's logical and may be helpful. Even if most of this title is cut off, it's still better than an anonymous "Docker".
Pressing each of these shortcuts brings focus to the docker _and_ selects the corresponding tab in it.
participants (2)
bulia byak