build issues on windows?
I have not built on windows in a while. After upgrading to rev 13846 btool trundles along and then blows up with a ton of errors. There were so many it scrolled off the end of the terminal buffer. Anyway, near the bottom these include:
build\obj\widgets\ink-action.o:ink-action.cpp:(.text+0x83c): multiple definition of `ink_action_new' build\obj\ink-action.o:ink-action.cpp:(.text+0x83c): first defined here build\obj\widgets\ink-action.o:ink-action.cpp:(.text+0x8cc): multiple definition of `ink_toggle_action_get_type' build\obj\ink-action.o:ink-action.cpp:(.text+0x8cc): first defined here
build\obj\interface.o:interface.cpp:(.text+0x107f): undefined reference to `SPDocument::getDefaultUnit() const' build\obj\interface.o:interface.cpp:(.text+0x10b4): undefined reference to `SPDocument::getDefaultUnit() const' build\obj\interface.o:interface.cpp:(.text+0x11a1): undefined reference to `inkscape_active_desktop()' build\obj\interface.o:interface.cpp:(.text+0x11bc): undefined reference to `inkscape_active_desktop()'
This is with devlibs 50. New version needed?
If so, I really, really wish that btool would consult with build.xml to see if the minimum required version was present and emit a simple warning and stop. It's no fun playing 'why did it blow up this time'! How hard can this be? Worse comes to worse leave a file with the version number in the devlibs directory and have a corresponding "devlibs_version" in build.xml.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech
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