[deb@...3057...: We want your stickers and your news!]

Chris, can you touch base with Deb regarding stickers?
Michele, can you give Deb a summary of recent news items from Inkscape for the SFC blog?
----- Forwarded message from Deb Nicholson <deb@...3057...> -----
Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 11:49:16 -0400 From: Deb Nicholson <deb@...3057...> To: project-reps@...3057... Subject: We want your stickers and your news!
Hi all, It is about to be "conference season" again. Conservancy will have a booth at OSCON and All Things Open along with some other events over the next six months and maybe you'll also be attending some events?
Anyway, we have three quick asks:
1) We'd love to share your project stickers when we table, so please send us some! Just email me and we'll figure out who's closest to you for mailing.
2) If you are low on stickers or materials for your own use, let us know so we can get you squared away well before conference season! We can absolutely re-order stuff like that for you, as long as you've got the artwork on file.
3) We'd love to hear about the events you're attending, talks you're giving or have given and the events you're hosting so we can share them on the monthly "news round-up" posts on our website.
Examples here: https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2019/may/28/may2019RU/ https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2019/apr/17/apr2019RU/
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or just to share any plans or ideas you have for promoting your project. We're here to help. Best, Deb
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington