Accessing the user selection...

I have a quick question about building a tool for Inkscape.
How would I access the current user selection in a document? After modifying all or part of the user selection, how would I commit my changes?
I don't need the exact syntax, but perhaps someone could point me to the classes that I need to take a look at.
Scott Huey

How would I access the current user selection in a document? After modifying all or part of the user selection, how would I commit my changes?
This is all in the Selection class, see selection.h for its interface. Each SPDesktop has its own selection that you can access if you know the desktop.

On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:07:40 -0400, "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
How would I access the current user selection in a document? After modifying all or part of the user selection, how would I commit my changes?
This is all in the Selection class, see selection.h for its interface. Each SPDesktop has its own selection that you can access if you know the desktop.
... and the "comitting changes" (that is, changes to the selected objects themselves) part is done via sp_document_{maybe_}done, found in document-undo
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bulia byak
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