Re: [Inkscape-devel] [Inkscape-user] bbox calculation

On 12/9/06, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...528...> wrote:
"The bounding box is computed *exclusive* of any values for clipping, masking, *filter effects*, opacity and *stroke-width*."
I filed this as bug 1612108 (with a test case which shows the problem).
Thanks, that's a good point - it concerns SVG compliance and therefore must be fixed regardless of what we decide for other visual and UI aspects of bboxes. Unfortunately this means that at the moment, we display gradients, patterns, clippaths and masks slightly wrong when they have objectBoundingBox units and apply to an object with stroke, and their display will change when we fix this. But the good news is that Inkscape does not create objectBoundingBox itself (except filter areas I think), so such files can only come from elsewhere. If a gradient has objectBoundingBox units, it is converted to absolute units as soon as you edit the gradient or the object that uses it. So, this fix is likely to have a relatively low impact.
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bulia byak