Hi all,
when reporting bugs in the tracker, please ALWAYS:
- indicate the Inkscape version
- indicate the platform
- ATTACH THE FILE. Even if you think the file is "nothing special" and the bug is obvious. A file's worth a thousand words. It's often difficult to understand the bug explanations; attaching a file helps a lot. More often than not, reported bugs are already fixed in CVS; if you attach your file, a developer can quickly test it and close the report. WIthout the file and with unclear report text, a developer has to waste his time asking questions in the bug (which are not always answered, btw, especially in anonymous reports).
So please do us (developers) a favor and always attach the file with your problem. It's much better to attach an unneeded file than to fail to attach a needed one. There are other things you might do to help (such as a backtrace), but a test file is absolutely essential.
If Sourceforge won't let you attach a file (happens sometimes), post it on the web somewhere and attach a link in comments to the bug.
participants (1)
bulia byak