Developer Meeting: Feb 25th 2024

Dear Devs,
Big thanks to everyone who came to our meeting and all the new faces who came to talk about their work this week with us.
Also thanks to everyone who stuck around for 2 HOURS! We got through some deep talk and a bunch of merge requests in our backlog (see below)
Meeting: Attending: Martin, Mansi, Marc, MikeKov, pbs, Rafael, Siddhant Agarwal, Tav, Vaibhav Malik, Ishaan Next Meeting: March 4th 2024
= Website DDOS Situation
Martin talked about the DDos attack against the website and reported what happened and what things have been put in place to help bring it back. The website is still being attacked today. (two days)
= Gtk4 Work
PBS builds a Gtk4 app image and we can get the CI to build it. Currently we use an old ubuntu for app image and a newer ubuntu for other builds. We can actually get over this if we use a new tool introduced for building app images. Philip would like to hand this work onto another developer if we can find someone who's interested in the work.
Some bugs fixed in the gtk4 branch. There's some bugs which were fixed in gtk4 branch but not merged into master and he's working on finding them and porting them.
= Testing
PBS reports that since we upgraded to C++20, the 2geom code coverage isn't working any more. It'll need to be fixed or disabled.
= Release Schedules
We talked a lot about release schedules, if other teams are seeing our plans and are in sync with us. How hard our deadlines are and why we use strctured releases in our project to help keep things moving and keep contributions going out to users etc. Many more details were covered casually.
Vaibhav wanted to talk about test coverage and how we can improve our automated testing. He's also been working on some regressions related to toolbars migration and regressions related to context menu selection logic.
= Packaging
Marc is working on a complete rework of the debian packaging stuff, separating stuff in multiple packages, no more "inkscape-trunk" incompatibilities, no more "separate branch" with deps.
= Color Refactoring
PBS, Mikekov and Rafael helped reviewing Martin's large color refactoring merge request and work through some of the issues as well as explaining how it's structured. Martin made a video to explain the outline and the other developers were able to review the various issues and how it needs to be improved going forwards.
= Other Work
PBS wants to finish the command line bitmap tracing branch for 1.4, somebody made a fork of inkscape and replaced the gui with a command line and someone else then tried backporting that back into inkscape to give us command line bitmap tracing.
Mikekov has pushed a bunch of small bug fixes. There are so many things that have changed in 1.4 and there's some concerns that the refactoring will cause instability and we may not have the bug fixing resources.
Mansi will be wrapping up revamping of filter gallery with one more mr :) (most of them have been fixed). Apart from them diving deep into rendering of selection tool and trying to figure out the cause of the issue - selection tool corner handles off by a small amount
Siddhant wanted to ask about livarot functionality and the lib2geom GSoC and wanted to know what work had already been done.
= Group Activity: Merge Request Review
We work on our merge requests backlog as there is a large number of merge requests (90!) that need to be either merged or closed. We got through 9 of them today.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)
Martin Owens