Message from Inkscape submission form
Please note, that the submitter may not read this list. CC your answer to the submitter
name: Sasi email: info@...1096...
submitted the following:
I like inkscape and if you like this http://viragelet.pardey.org/inkscape_home_by_szabolcs_sinka.jpg plan, then that is my support towards the project. You can use it for free, you don't even have to mention my name. If you like it, tell it and i will send the psd or any format you like.
Sincerely, Szabolcs Sinka Hungary - Budapest

On 12/1/05, Sasi <info@...1096...> wrote:
Message from Inkscape submission form
I like inkscape and if you like this http://viragelet.pardey.org/inkscape_home_by_szabolcs_sinka.jpg plan, then that is my support towards the project. You can use it for free, you don't even have to mention my name. If you like it, tell me and I will send the psd or any format you like.
It is not my call, but I suggest that: The inkscape project is always looking for high quality screenshots, examples and tutorials, and any examples of real world usage. There is a formal request on http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakingScreenshots (that page has instructions for submitting screenshots), which was part of a well written post that started this thread: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8905482&forum_id=...
Full acknowledgement will always be given. Screenshots per se should be submitted in PNG format (not psd), and the instructions above give a list of desiderata; speaking personally, I would suggest that if you are new to the Inkscape project, don't get too tied down following instructions - we are more interested in seeing what people actually do with the program, not how good they are at following instructions, (but screenshots intending to showcase new features do need to be of the highest quality and specification).
Again, speaking personally, I would like it if people submitted .svg files as well as the screen capture or export, a nice neat self-contained drawing is as good as a tutorial for most of us, as accessible and far smaller. I can only assume that my having never seen such a request means that making it, is taboo; so if I was wrong to do so, I apologise.
You might also want to look at the Open Clipart project http://www.openclipart.org/ for ideas and/or as a place to contribute your work.

On 12/2/05, Ben Fowler wrote:
It is not my call, but I suggest that: The inkscape project is always looking for high quality screenshots, examples and tutorials, and any examples of real world usage. There is a formal request on http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakingScreenshots (that page has instructions for submitting screenshots), which was part of a well written post that started this thread: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8905482&forum_id=...
I'm not sure it's applicable in this case. Fonts on this screenshot look too nice. I don't think it's done in Inkscape :(
Btw, color scheme in the left part of the screenshot is excellent.

On 12/2/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
I'm not sure it's applicable in this case. Fonts on this screenshot look too nice. I don't think it's done in Inkscape :(
You mean those non-antialiased win98-like jagged letters with atrocious kerning and unrecognizable outlines?
Yes, they are most definitely not done in Inkscape.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org

On 12/2/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 12/2/05, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
I'm not sure it's applicable in this case. Fonts on this screenshot look too nice. I don't think it's done in Inkscape :(
You mean those non-antialiased win98-like jagged letters with atrocious kerning and unrecognizable outlines?
Yes, they are most definitely not done in Inkscape.
You do know that I didn't mean to pick on anybody here, don't you? :)
And yes, I'm still waiting for BCI to be recognized by Inkscape. It won't take me long to sell my soul to devil for C++ skills to actually fix it myself - just a year or two. I'm a patient guy, you know :)

On 12/2/05, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
On 12/1/05, Sasi <info@...1096...> wrote:
I like inkscape ...
It is not my call, but I suggest that: The inkscape project is always looking for high quality screenshots, examples and tutorials, and any examples of real world usage. There is a formal request on http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakingScreenshots ...
I have made links from the Inkscape and HelpWanted wiki pages to MakingScreenshots .
I don't plan to do anything about it (and I may be wrong and/or tilting at windmills), but it seems to me that the Inkscape wiki page though it gives an admirable overview of the contents of the wiki is a little too messy and the HelpWanted page could do with some gardening, removal of un-needed or now no longer needed items and organising the remaining ones logically. Whilst I think that it is important to keep a range of operations open where help is requested (and welcomed), and to list them appropriately; because we do not know when the right person, with some time to devote to Inkscape will happen by; the idea of adding "Maintain the HelpWanted wiki page" struck me as too Dilbert-esque to add to it!
P.S. In e-mail to me, the O.P. suggested that he actually wanted to contribute to the main website (and I guess that I completley misinterpreted his web form submission). If memory severs there was a request for contributions earlier this year, is this still open?

On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 10:24:57AM +0000, Ben Fowler wrote:
On 12/2/05, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
On 12/1/05, Sasi <info@...1096...> wrote:
I like inkscape ...
It is not my call, but I suggest that: The inkscape project is always looking for high quality screenshots, examples and tutorials, and any examples of real world usage. There is a formal request on http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakingScreenshots ...
I have made links from the Inkscape and HelpWanted wiki pages to MakingScreenshots .
I don't plan to do anything about it (and I may be wrong and/or tilting at windmills), but it seems to me that the Inkscape wiki page though it gives an admirable overview of the contents of the wiki is a little too messy and the HelpWanted page could do with some gardening, removal of un-needed or now no longer needed items and organising the remaining ones logically. Whilst I think that it is important to keep a range of operations open where help is requested (and welcomed), and to list them appropriately; because we do not know when the right person, with some time to devote to Inkscape will happen by; the idea of adding "Maintain the HelpWanted wiki page" struck me as too Dilbert-esque to add to it!
Yes, I think it would be worthwhile to go through the wiki and remove e.g. feature proposals that have been implemented, help/docs that are no longer in use, etc. Also there are probably a few pages which could be moved to the main website or into the codebase.
P.S. In e-mail to me, the O.P. suggested that he actually wanted to contribute to the main website (and I guess that I completley misinterpreted his web form submission). If memory severs there was a request for contributions earlier this year, is this still open?
Sure, we could use the help.
participants (5)
Alexandre Prokoudine
Ben Fowler
Bryce Harrington
bulia byak