Prev/Next Zoom shorcut with Japanese keyboards
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to send this, say, minor bug? annoyance? I've found:
The ` and shift-` shortcuts can't be really used with Japanese keyboard layouts, since the backtick is done by shift-@, so as you do "shift-@" inkscape gets the backtick, but since you're pressing shift, it tries to go to "the next zoom" and there's then no shortcut to go to the previous zoom.
Also as one would at start be already at the "last zoom", just "no next zoom" is displayed... thus leaving you with pretty much no shortcut to zoom's history unless you went to a previous zoom by the menus.
PS: Is not really a feature I'll think I'll use much, I'd just ctrl- mousewheel my zoom, but since I'm starting with inkscape I was following the basic tutorial and found myself unable to do it.
Thanks for your time, keep it up with this nice project. Marcel
participants (1)
Marcel Montes