Hi all,
We're ready to move into Feature Freeze. No further feature work is permitted at this point. Any remaining tasks regarding documentation needs to be wrapped up ASAP, as we will be moving to string freeze soon.
Feature Freeze entails: No further development work. Disable features that aren't finished Post additional inkscape-0.48-pre*.tar.gz releases Focus on critical bug fixing. Finalize all tutorials, docs, etc. Finalize all extensions Finalize about screen Translators create translations. Inkscape must pass 'make distcheck' Establish the Stable Branch for release Disable features that won't be turned on in the release Post inkscape-0.48-beta.tar.gz ----- Here's a tentative release schedule (please, lets try to stick to this): Today (6/1) is Feature Freeze Monday (6/7) will be String Freeze Monday (6/21) will be Hard Freeze Monday (6/28) will be Release -----
To stick to this we need to address the following.
@Felipe: It appears that either your device-cmyk work needs to get disabled at this time, which was suggested by Jon in the previous thread. Will you be able to address this soon? Please let us know. Bug 542346
@Jon: Please get the "UX" selector in that toolbar sorted ASAP. Are the "Auto" swatches initially editable in the F&S dialog yet? If not, it's looking like they'll need to be disabled again for this release.
@Johan: I see you think you've fixed the LPE issue that bulia reported, thank you!
@Tavmjong: Awesome work on the Text Tool! Is there anything else that is a "must" to get in/fixed? If so, is it looking feasible to get done in time with your schedule? Also, it appears that bug 583593 is assigned to you, any progress?
If there are any other issues that have been overlooked please let me know. Thanks to everyone for all of your hard work!
Cheers, Josh

On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 16:34 -0700, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Hi all,
We're ready to move into Feature Freeze. No further feature work is permitted at this point. Any remaining tasks regarding documentation needs to be wrapped up ASAP, as we will be moving to string freeze soon.
@Tavmjong: Awesome work on the Text Tool!
Is there anything else that is a "must" to get in/fixed? If so, is it looking feasible to get done in time with your schedule?
No, although as I was fixing vertical "kerning" and doing other style stuff I've begun work to support baseline-shift in order to add superscripts and subscripts. If I had another week this could get in.
Also, it appears that bug 583593 is assigned to you, any progress?
I have looked at it but I don't see what is causing the problem. I don't have much experience with preferences so if someone who does have some experience could have a look it would be appreciated as I may be doing something obviously wrong. BTW, I've seen in the past style attributes where they don't belong so it may not be something new.

On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 07:51 +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 16:34 -0700, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Hi all,
We're ready to move into Feature Freeze. No further feature work is permitted at this point. Any remaining tasks regarding documentation needs to be wrapped up ASAP, as we will be moving to string freeze soon.
@Tavmjong: Awesome work on the Text Tool!
Is there anything else that is a "must" to get in/fixed? If so, is it looking feasible to get done in time with your schedule?
No, although as I was fixing vertical "kerning" and doing other style stuff I've begun work to support baseline-shift in order to add superscripts and subscripts. If I had another week this could get in.
To be honest, I would be willing to delay Feature Freeze for a week to allow you to get this in (I would want String Freeze to occur at the same time though and have the rest of the tentative schedule stay on track provided no major issues pop up). If you you really feel that this could be achieved in a week, is there any way you could at least get the strings committed (even if not shown anywhere) sooner?
Also, it appears that bug 583593 is assigned to you, any progress?
I have looked at it but I don't see what is causing the problem. I don't have much experience with preferences so if someone who does have some experience could have a look it would be appreciated as I may be doing something obviously wrong. BTW, I've seen in the past style attributes where they don't belong so it may not be something new.
Any other volunteers to look into this?
Cheers, Josh

On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 07:12 -0700, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Re: superscript and subscript support.
To be honest, I would be willing to delay Feature Freeze for a week to allow you to get this in (I would want String Freeze to occur at the same time though and have the rest of the tentative schedule stay on track provided no major issues pop up). If you you really feel that this could be achieved in a week, is there any way you could at least get the strings committed (even if not shown anywhere) sooner?
Just checked in support for the baseline-shift attribute. The attribute is now fully supported except for a GUI. The Text toolbar now has two buttons to set/unset superscripts and subscripts. These combine a baseline shift with a font-size change. There are two new strings to translate in the tooltips for the buttons. I still need to add proper icons for the buttons. Also, there is one bug where the baseline-shift is reset if one adds a character to the <tspan> containing a subscript or superscript (it doesn't reset if it the baseline-shift is defined a different way.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...> wrote:
Just checked in support for the baseline-shift attribute. The attribute is now fully supported except for a GUI.
Thanks a lot! Could you please create a sample SVG file demonstrating various uses of this attribute, and commit it to our share/examples dir, as well as, ideally, to the online automated renderer test suite (with reference PNG to compare against)?

bulia byak wrote:
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...> wrote:
Just checked in support for the baseline-shift attribute. The attribute is now fully supported except for a GUI.
Thanks a lot! Could you please create a sample SVG file demonstrating various uses of this attribute, and commit it to our share/examples dir, as well as, ideally, to the online automated renderer test suite (with reference PNG to compare against)?
There is one small problem with this last bit, it might be hard to ensure the exact same appearance across systems (this is why the tests have been stripped from as much text as possible). If at all possible a so called "patch" file could be easier to handle. This is just an SVG file that should render exactly the same but relies on simpler features, the test system automatically renders it, once, to a reference png on the system used for the tests.

On 4/6/10 21:56, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
Just checked in support for the baseline-shift attribute. The attribute is now fully supported except for a GUI. The Text toolbar now has two buttons to set/unset superscripts and subscripts. These combine a baseline shift with a font-size change. There are two new strings to translate in the tooltips for the buttons. I still need to add proper icons for the buttons. Also, there is one bug where the baseline-shift is reset if one adds a character to the <tspan> containing a subscript or superscript (it doesn't reset if it the baseline-shift is defined a different way.
Using the new features sub/superscript adds 'baseline-shift:super' or 'baseline-shift:sub' (the last one used?) to the style of the desktop group in the preferences file. This causes the console to be flooded with warnings when using 0.47 with the same preferences file as the current devel build:
WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_BASELINE_SHIFT: value: super
WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_BASELINE_SHIFT: value: sub
Why is 'baseline-shift' part of the desktop style? It seems unlikely to me that new (or default) text should use a sub or super baseline-shift as default (but I don't know about the inner workings of the preferences system and what role <group id="desktop" style="..."> really has).
Possibly related to the preferences bug [1] (missing default styles for most shape tools after resetting the preferences)? See comment #4 by JazzyNico: «It seems that the line-height, letter-spacing and word-spacing attributes are incorrectly stored in the preferences desktop group. It leads to a loss of swatch styles for the shape tools.»

On Sat, 2010-06-05 at 15:11 +0200, ~suv wrote:
Using the new features sub/superscript adds 'baseline-shift:super' or 'baseline-shift:sub' (the last one used?) to the style of the desktop group in the preferences file. This causes the console to be flooded with warnings when using 0.47 with the same preferences file as the current devel build:
WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_BASELINE_SHIFT: value: super
WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_BASELINE_SHIFT: value: sub
Why is 'baseline-shift' part of the desktop style? It seems unlikely to me that new (or default) text should use a sub or super baseline-shift as default (but I don't know about the inner workings of the preferences system and what role <group id="desktop" style="..."> really has).
Possibly related to the preferences bug [1] (missing default styles for most shape tools after resetting the preferences)? See comment #4 by JazzyNico: «It seems that the line-height, letter-spacing and word-spacing attributes are incorrectly stored in the preferences desktop group. It leads to a loss of swatch styles for the shape tools.»
I've started to look into this... but I am starting from zero knowledge about preferences. I copied existing code from the old text toolbar. The code uses calls to:
sp_desktop_set_style (SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP, css, true, true);
to write out css attributes. It appears this is wrong on two levels. The first is that it writes attributes to the preference file in the wrong place and the second is that all selected objects get the new attributes without regard to type (i.e. if a rectangle is selected along with text, changing the font will also set the font attribute on the rectangle.
participants (5)
bulia byak
Jasper van de Gronde
Joshua A. Andler
Tavmjong Bah