Rendering problem for an object with blur / 0.46 Official vs 209225 vs 20967

I have opened a file which I had done originally with 0.45.1 with the latest win32 snapshot (rev 20967) and there is a problem of rendering in Inkscape. The most obvious object is a simple object with fill and stroke solid colours, and a blur of 0.3.
You'll find, for each version that I tested: - the object extracted from the original file, in svg - a screenshot of the rendering in the chosen Inkscape verion - the PNG exported by the said version.
In all three versions, the filters/blur parameters were set to average (the default).
I'll put them on my server so everyone can see the differences. There is also a zip of the 9 files to download.
In short: the exported PNG appears correct in the three versions, but the screenshots of the rendering in Inkscape look very (or very) different across versions. The file looks absolutely normal, as I draw it, in 0.46 official.
In r20225, the object is already badly rendered in Inkscape.
In r20967, it's awful...
How will the user figure out what do draw, or what will happen when a file made with 0.46 will be opened in a later version? Which one is correct to draw?
The folder for the reported files:
0.46 official SVG / PNGexport / Screenshot:
rev20225 SVG / PNGexport / screenshot:
rev20967 SVG / PNGexport /screenshot:
The zip with all files:

Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:31:44 -0700 (PDT) worms invasion <wormsxulla@...36...> kirjoitti:
In short: the exported PNG appears correct in the three versions, but the screenshots of the rendering in Inkscape look very (or very) different across versions. The file looks absolutely normal, as I draw it, in 0.46 official.
In r20225, the object is already badly rendered in Inkscape.
In r20967, it's awful...
The default values for filtering quality in r20967 are not too good. Neverteheless, as you noticed, the lower quality is used only while editing the image and the exported image looks the same in all those versions.
Lowering the quality while editing is intentional: rendering blur can bog down even the mightiest workstations. If it doesn't bother you, you can turn filter quality settings all the way up and the quality will be just as good as while exporting.
participants (2)
Niko Kiirala
worms invasion