Line skewing bug (851008)
Summary: line of skewed object not displayed skewed Bug ID: 851008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I skewed an arrow in Sodipodi and the line was displayed with constant width; that's what I wanted.
But unfortunately the line's nodes were not moved but the arrow was skewed (transform="matrix...). It would be great to have an option where I skew the shape but the line stays constant-width: no transformation is applied, but instead the coordinates of the path are changed.
Anyways, the display is incorrect AFAICS, check In Squiggle, some edges of the arrow are thinner than other edges (correct AFAICS), but not in Sodipodi.
Tobi -- Tobias Reif (tobi__r)
tobiasreif pinkjuice com
I've also found the current behavior to be a bit wacky, especially for technical drawings, where you want to maintain constant line width for all the shapes in the chart.
However, I'm not really sure this is is a bug - perhaps this is a feature request? Would it be very difficult to implement a capability such as described above?
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington