Developer Meeting Notes - Sept 18th 2023

Dear Developers,
Thanks to everyone who came to this week's meeting.
Attending: Marc, Martin, René, S.Ourchene, Tav, Jabier, Ishaan, Amenzou Meeting: Next Date: Tuesday September 26th, 2023
Portable Apps wish for us to distribute the windows64/32 build for Inkscape 1.3. The releases policy we talked about and seems reasonable is to offer trust to fellow members who are working within the project who document the scripts and process for how the release is put together. An email has been sent back to invite them to particpate more closely and document their work.
Everyone took turns to ask Tav questions about text. It's ask Tav day! Some looking at merge requests and issues, one about how to process text in the layout.
Tav worked on the toolbar Gtk4 work and researching all the items that are needing for all the new widget allocations.
Marc wants the toolbar work to use a merge commit, instead of squashing the commit. Tav and Rene wants to do this work collectively at the next developer meeting.
Ishaan has continued working on the updates for the website. Working through each of the possible breaking changes progressively in a private branch.
Rene wanted to know when 1.3.1 might be released, Martin says he's expecting November time, Marc says we need to commit all our backports which is a task for Martin in the coming weeks.
Jabier has a MR that is ready to be reviwed. 5763, it needs feedback from adam.
Martin has been working on CMS improvements with a UI improvement merge request which is being reviewed by designers mostly. Good feedback about the process of desktop preference profiles vs. document profiles and future work needed on color pickers.
Tav has some concerns that we wouldn't be able to build AppImages with Gtk4. Marc says that there are ways around the restrictions, but we may have to ask for some backports upstream to help us with the process.
See you all next week!
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)