Re: [Inkscape-devel] Color Tweak - Option to not create new gradient

Xara's designers think that "named colors" is a great feature of their program and I agree with them. Changing the color of 100 objects without affecting 100 other objects that have the same current color on the canvas can be achieved easily with named colors (complicated selections may be needed otherwise). With two-stop gradients one must edit two stoppoints, with one-stop gradients just one ... of course. Linked gradients (and colors), that is unforked ones, can save SVG code and improve loading (and perhaps rendering) speed. Moreover, this feature is already there! So, why removing it? It just needs to be made more perspicuous ... and perhaps enhanced with "shades" of the same color, another great feature of Xara, for which the code in Inkscape is already there according to Jon Cruz!! Shouldn't Inkscape be made SVG-1.1-compliant (see the opensource Batik 1.7 [], which - for instance - renders SVG 1.1 feColorMatrix very well; try opening in Inkscape)? rosros
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