Re: Inkscape on our covermount CD

Hello Mr. Breyer,
We have collected a set of packages for your magazine distribution:
I have faxed a signed copy of the Explanation of License to you separately; a copy of this along with the actual license is also provided at the above URL. The System Requirements are also attached and available at the above URL.
We are providing you with three packages:
1. The Inkscape Executable for Windows 2. The Inkscape Source Code 3. The Open Clip Art Library (optional)
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Bryce
On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 06:44:41PM +0200, Konstantin Breyer wrote:
D ear Sir or Madam, your Software Inkscape on our covermount CD: COMPUTERBILD, Europe's biggest PC magazine, is going to attach a CD/DVD-ROM to one of its next issues. We would like to record your software free of charge on this CD/DVD-ROM. The software versions on the CD/DVD-ROM will be explained in the magazine and will possibly also be presented and explained on our internet page "". Thus, your product will be presented to more than 4 millions of readers (MA 2004 I) and many enthusiastic users of the internet
- for that reason your software will get a high amount of attention.
Join in. For the sake of good order, please fax the signed license agreement (please delete inapplicable terms) back to us (+49/40/34 724 710) and e-mail me the system requirement sheet.
Kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gr??en
Konstantin Breyer Axel Springer AG Redaktion COMPUTERBILD Leitender Redakteur Software
Telefon +49 (0) 40 - 34 72 34 52 Mobil +49 (0) 151 - 12 70 88 23
Telefax +49 (0) 40 - 34 72 47 10 E-Mail kbr@...787... mailto:kbr@...787... Internet
Besucheradresse: Caffamacherreihe 1 20350 Hamburg
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Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hello Mr. Breyer,
We have collected a set of packages for your magazine distribution:
from Systemrequirements.doc: Windows 95 x Windows 98 x Windows 98 SE - Windows Me - Windows NT x Windows 2000 x Windows XP x
so you say it will work on 95 and 98 but not on 98SE and Me? it sure is a mistake (even if Me by itself is an abomination)

On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 11:29:41AM +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hello Mr. Breyer,
We have collected a set of packages for your magazine distribution:
from Systemrequirements.doc: Windows 95 x Windows 98 x Windows 98 SE - Windows Me - Windows NT x Windows 2000 x Windows XP x
so you say it will work on 95 and 98 but not on 98SE and Me? it sure is a mistake (even if Me by itself is an abomination)
Actually I had no clue, I've never heard about anyone with those versions using Inkscape. The others I've either tested myself or have heard of people running on it.
Can anyone confirm it works on SE and ME? (I'm not even sure I know what SE and ME stand for...) I can send them an update if we know it works there.
Thanks, Bryce

On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 14:40 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
so you say it will work on 95 and 98 but not on 98SE and Me? it sure is a mistake (even if Me by itself is an abomination)
Actually I had no clue, I've never heard about anyone with those versions using Inkscape. The others I've either tested myself or have heard of people running on it.
Can anyone confirm it works on SE and ME? (I'm not even sure I know what SE and ME stand for...) I can send them an update if we know it works there.
I avoid those horrors nowadays, but Win 98 SE ("98 Second Edition") was just an OEM update to Windows 98 which I believe added USB 2.0 support or somesuch (new computers shipped with "Windows 98" were shipped with this after some point in time but I don't think you could buy the upgrade in stores), and Me ("Milennium Edition") is the end of the line for the Win95+ series, it was pretty much only shipped on consumer PCs and rumor has it that ME was actually less stable than the earlier versions. All I really know is that a friend of mine who had it replaced it with XP as soon as XP came out since ME was hanging the computer all the time; however, that's just anecdotal, and maybe the perception of crashiness was caused by the fact that at least some people were getting used to closer-to-working operating systems such as Win2K at that point.
Enough with the alphabet soup... In short, if Inkscape runs on Win98 it's pretty much guaranteed to run under 98SE and ME as well. The whole point in keeping that line alive was to provide backwards compatibility for old stuff that wouldn't work under Win2K. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for me, I don't have anything available to test it on though.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 03:05:51PM -0700, Per Bjornsson wrote:
On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 14:40 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
so you say it will work on 95 and 98 but not on 98SE and Me? it sure is a mistake (even if Me by itself is an abomination)
Actually I had no clue, I've never heard about anyone with those versions using Inkscape. The others I've either tested myself or have heard of people running on it.
Can anyone confirm it works on SE and ME? (I'm not even sure I know what SE and ME stand for...) I can send them an update if we know it works there.
I avoid those horrors nowadays, but Win 98 SE ("98 Second Edition") was just an OEM update to Windows 98 which I believe added USB 2.0 support or somesuch (new computers shipped with "Windows 98" were shipped with this after some point in time but I don't think you could buy the upgrade in stores), and Me ("Milennium Edition") is the end of the line for the Win95+ series, it was pretty much only shipped on consumer PCs and rumor has it that ME was actually less stable than the earlier versions. All I really know is that a friend of mine who had it replaced it with XP as soon as XP came out since ME was hanging the computer all the time; however, that's just anecdotal, and maybe the perception of crashiness was caused by the fact that at least some people were getting used to closer-to-working operating systems such as Win2K at that point.
Ah, okay, well they sound like niche cases so I'm not going to worry about it. If anyone asks I'll just say it might work but we haven't tested it so YMMV.
I have to say I blinked a bit when seeing that list. On seeing the Operating System section my initial reaction was, "Oh cool, they are aware that there are different operating systems," only to be dashed a fraction of a second later when I saw there wasn't anything but Windows listed. Uh, Toto... ;-)

On Wednesday 20 April 2005 00:07, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 03:05:51PM -0700, Per Bjornsson wrote:
On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 14:40 -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
so you say it will work on 95 and 98 but not on 98SE and Me? it sure is a mistake (even if Me by itself is an abomination)
Actually I had no clue, I've never heard about anyone with those versions using Inkscape. The others I've either tested myself or have heard of people running on it.
Can anyone confirm it works on SE and ME? (I'm not even sure I know what SE and ME stand for...) I can send them an update if we know it works there.
I avoid those horrors nowadays, but Win 98 SE ("98 Second Edition") was just an OEM update to Windows 98 which I believe added USB 2.0 support or somesuch (new computers shipped with "Windows 98" were shipped with this after some point in time but I don't think you could buy the upgrade in stores), and Me ("Milennium Edition") is the end of the line for the Win95+ series, it was pretty much only shipped on consumer PCs and rumor has it that ME was actually less stable than the earlier versions. All I really know is that a friend of mine who had it replaced it with XP as soon as XP came out since ME was hanging the computer all the time; however, that's just anecdotal, and maybe the perception of crashiness was caused by the fact that at least some people were getting used to closer-to-working operating systems such as Win2K at that point.
Ah, okay, well they sound like niche cases so I'm not going to worry about it. If anyone asks I'll just say it might work but we haven't tested it so YMMV.
I have to say I blinked a bit when seeing that list. On seeing the Operating System section my initial reaction was, "Oh cool, they are aware that there are different operating systems," only to be dashed a fraction of a second later when I saw there wasn't anything but Windows listed. Uh, Toto... ;-)
Err, they arent niche cases at all. IMHO, if I had to pick a Win9x to run, it'd be Win98SE, and was sold/distributed for a decent time. TBH, if looked after it can be pretty "solid" (replace "solid" for the most appropriate term that can apply).
WinMe was a bit of a hack to get some of the driver model to the 2000 version IIRC and things did go a little screwy then.
participants (4)
Bryce Harrington
Craig Bradney
Nicu Buculei
Per Bjornsson