Difficulty rendering Arabic text

I believe this may be a bug, but I will leave that judgment to more capable people.
In rendering paragraphs of Arabic text, I have come across situations where the text simply does not join together. In fact, it's possible through editing to toggle the text back and forth between appropriately joined and entirely unjoined. I haven't been able to identify the conditions under which this occurs.
The SVG file below is a minimal example. In Inkscape 0.48.2, Windows Vista, the letters are all completely unjoined. But, if the final space is removed from the text, the letters join properly.
On the other hand, some longer blocks of text do render properly.
I am at a loss. Any thoughts are appreciated, or if it looks like this is a bug, that would be good to know as well.
Thanks, Adam
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="744.09448819" height="1052.3622047" version="1.1"> <flowRoot xml:space="preserve" style="font-size:16px;direction:rtl;writing-mode:lr-tb;font-family:Times New Roman"><flowRegion><rect width="745" height="283.57144" x="-1.4285715" y="1.6478958" /></flowRegion><flowPara>سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام سلام </flowPara></flowRoot> </svg>
participants (1)
Adam Baker