OK, for now I simply added a check if the units are meters, and if so, coverted them to cm where the value is written to repr. So now it will size the canvas to 3100 by 1700 meters, even though it will not show you all of it. But that's another issue. So I'm closing this bug.
Incidentally, just to prevent duplicating effort, is anyone working on any bugs at the moment? The release is near and we must concentrate on bugs for now.
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Can someone check please?
The line markers are not working with the freehand line or bezier curve tools. I get the messages 'start_marker' marker is '<nil>', 'mid_marker'...... and 'end_marker'........is nil, as soon as I start. The end cap choices are working.
This is the first time I have used this so I do not know if it is recent behaviour.
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, vellum wrote:
Can someone check please?
The line markers are not working with the freehand line or bezier curve tools. I get the messages 'start_marker' marker is '<nil>', 'mid_marker'...... and 'end_marker'........is nil, as soon as I start. The end cap choices are working.
This is the first time I have used this so I do not know if it is recent behaviour.
The line markers do work but have to be manually written into the SVG file. Mid markers do not work, but I don't know why; I suspect in the old Sodipodi marker code there may have been an error in the renderer. End markers work, but don't seem to rotate properly; I haven't investigated that problem yet.
The GUI buttons for setting arrowheads is entirely new to this release but is not yet functional as significant further development needs to be done. I've been working on getting it hooked up though, which is why the buttons' behavior has been changing.
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
bulia byak