Hi, I updated the vonkoch lpe to handle groups and allow general transformations. Caution: I had to *change* the meaning of the path parameter:
It is now supposed to consist in separated paths of 1 or 2 consecutives segments (remaining segs are ignored). A single segment defines a rescaling map (pevious behaviour) 2 segments define a general transform (sending a frame attached to the original object to this new "frame")
If VonKoch was used with consecutive segments, you'll have to separate them to obtain the same result.
Please report bugs, or suggestion to improve usability and "understandability"...

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:41 PM, jf barraud <jf.barraud@...400...> wrote:
Hi, I updated the vonkoch lpe to handle groups and allow general transformations.
We don't yet have a release notes writeup on this and other LPEs you added. Can you please provide them describing all the latest features?
participants (2)
bulia byak
jf barraud