[Fwd: [Sodipodi-list] Writing SVG code for editing with Sodipodi]
Looks like the UNITS problem! Arg! It seems like there are all these containers of ideas and badly implemented ideas that are TODO that still hang over us still in INKSCAPE.
I say we evaluate, disable, and remove any of this unimplemented or crappy code from the project. It will probably make our life easier in the long run.
The units problem is horrible. Our printing system and export system are pretty bad too. ARG!
-----Forwarded Message----- From: Pierre Abbat <phma@...177...> To: sodipodi-list@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Sodipodi-list] Writing SVG code for editing with Sodipodi Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 11:22:47 -0500
I wrote a two-line program that generated a lemniscate and pasted the code into a <path> element in a Sodipodi file. Since the width and height are in millimeters I thought the coordinates would be in millimeters. They weren't. The lemniscate was too small. I then edited it so that it looked like M-87.4619707139396mm 42.4024048078213mm M-88.2947592858927mm 41.4518786277521mm M-89.1006524188368mm 40.4508497187474mm and tried again. The lemniscate went flat. I removed the millimeters and scaled it and put it in the middle of the 300*300mm square. The center is now at 531.4961,531.4961. What unit is Sodipodi using, and how do I tell it that the coordinates are in millimeters?
Jonathan Phillips wrote:
Looks like the UNITS problem! Arg! It seems like there are all these containers of ideas and badly implemented ideas that are TODO that still hang over us still in INKSCAPE.
That's a bug report against sodipodi. Does it hold for inkscape?
I say we evaluate, disable, and remove any of this unimplemented or crappy code from the project. It will probably make our life easier in the long run.
Off you go!
participants (2)
Jonathan Phillips
Nathan Hurst