[Fwd: Getting Inkscape working on my iBook G4]

Hi David, I've forwarded your request to the Inkscape development and user mailing lists.
If anyone else knows the problem, please contribute.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: rejon.org feedback form <noreply@...235...> Reply-To: jon@...235... To: jon@...235... Subject: Getting Inkscape working on my iBook G4 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:11:30 -0600
Name: David Karner E-mail: davekarner@...1210...
I've installed my first copy of Inkscape but I can't seem to get past the "Apple X11 Required, Please install and restart Inkscape" stage. I installed X11 from my Tiger Installation CD and thought that would do it. I restarted Inkscape, but still received the error.
Do you know what step I'm missing?
I would appreciate any support you could give me in getting going with Inkscape!

Subject: Getting Inkscape working on my iBook G4 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:11:30 -0600
I've installed my first copy of Inkscape but I can't seem to get past the "Apple X11 Required, Please install and restart Inkscape" stage. I installed X11 from my Tiger Installation CD and thought that would do it. I restarted Inkscape, but still received the error.
Do you know what step I'm missing?
I would appreciate any support you could give me in getting going with Inkscape!
It is a little odd that what you did as described above did not work for you.
You should go through the steps given in the reply on the user list. My first suggestion is that the Mac OS launch services was not properly aware that X11 was available at the time it issued you with the error message on the second occasion.
Which version of Inkscape did you use? I have only tried with the latest version, which worked perfectly for me. Also there may be a problem with fonts, the font cache or font config, but I think that this has been solved for some months now.
If you are able to narrow down what went wrong, could you report back, as this info needs to be on our website or wiki somewhere (and it pains me to say that there seems to be no page dealing with Troubleshooting or Getting Started on the Mac).

On 17 Mar 2006, at 10:52, Ben Fowler wrote:
Subject: Getting Inkscape working on my iBook G4 Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:11:30 -0600
I've installed my first copy of Inkscape but I can't seem to get past the "Apple X11 Required, Please install and restart Inkscape" stage. I installed X11 from my Tiger Installation CD and thought that would do it. I restarted Inkscape, but still received the error.
Do you know what step I'm missing?
I would appreciate any support you could give me in getting going with Inkscape!
It is a little odd that what you did as described above did not work for you.
You should go through the steps given in the reply on the user list. My first suggestion is that the Mac OS launch services was not properly aware that X11 was available at the time it issued you with the error message on the second occasion.
Which version of Inkscape did you use? I have only tried with the latest version, which worked perfectly for me. Also there may be a problem with fonts, the font cache or font config, but I think that this has been solved for some months now.
If you are able to narrow down what went wrong, could you report back, as this info needs to be on our website or wiki somewhere (and it pains me to say that there seems to be no page dealing with Troubleshooting or Getting Started on the Mac).
sorry I answered to the submitter without CCing the list. apparently it is an X11 problem rather than an Inkscape one. X11.app does not seem to be present on his system though the installer says it is. I am waiting for some feed back from the submitter (David this is you) about reinstalling X11 after removing manually the package.
(and indeed there is no such page... but right know is probably not the best time to add anything to the wiki)
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/
participants (3)
Ben Fowler
Jon Phillips