Re: [Inkscape-devel] reply to personal message re Inkscape

Hi Andrew, I'm posting this directly to the mailing list, as an introduction. And I'm also copying in Alexia, who has replied to me as well.
You will have to subscribe before you can send messages to the list. As I mentioned before, please find the link you need to subscribe to the Devel Mailing List here:
There's a good chance your scale issues can be fixed with this info:
Or the other possibility I can think of is Inkscape Preferences > Input/Output > SVG Output > Path Data
If those don't solve the problem, then it's well over my head, and definitely you should subscribe and post to developers on the mailing list.
All best, brynn
-----Original Message----- From: Andrew Jansen Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 6:53 PM To: brynn@...3472... Subject: Re: reply to personal message re Inkscape
Hello Brynn,
Confirming receipt of email below. Please confirm and let me know if you can point us in the right direction.
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 27, 2017, at 2:07 PM, "brynn@...3472..." <brynn@...3623...> wrote:
Hi Andrew, I'm contacting you as a reply to a personal message you sent me today, on Inkscape Community. I've pasted the text of your message below, just for convenience.
I don't think you've actually contacted the person you intended. I have
not posted in any forum about AxiDraw, and in fact, this is the first time I've heard about it. I tried searching for a forum, and found a few which have messages about AxiDraw. I'm guessing you were referring to the Evil Mad Scientists forum. But once there, I still had no idea which message to look at.
The president of the Inkscape Board of Developers' name is Bryce. And
with my name Brynn, we get confused sometimes. This forum is run separately from the Inkscape website, although I am quite active in the community. I can certainly put you in touch with Bryce, or whomever you're looking for.
I've never heard of the Inkscape community having a paid consultant
service. But I know the Board has been creating sponsorship opportunities, as well as funded development options. So perhaps either one of those would work for you, or perhaps could be modified. But certainly I can't represent either one of those to you.
The Inkscape development community primarily communicates via mailing
list (although they also use IRC for real time chats). I'm pretty sure you can post to the Board of Developers list, without subscribing to it. But the Development list does require subscription (although you don't necessarily have to receive mail or stay subscribed, and you can read messages via the archives). (Although for developing an extension, perhaps you'd want to be subscribe to the list?)
This page has links for all the mailing lists, as well as the archives:
Or if you know the name of the person you're looking for, I could
probably put you in touch.
For the scale issue, I'm guessing there will be a simple solution.
Starting with version 0.92, Inkscape's native unit is mm, rather than px, and if you need a different unit, you have to set the Scale option correctly. As someone who participates primarily with user support, I can tell you there is a good deal of confusion about it. So whoever you end up working with can explain it to you. (Personally it confuses me, haha. As far as I can understand it, it sounds like something that most users should never have to deal with. But unfortunately, it currently requires user input.)
Let me know if I can help you contact someone in particular.
All best, brynn
My name is Andrew and I noticed you commented on a AxiDraw Forum. We're new to using Inkscape and we currently use it for pen plotting. The pen plotter we are using is called the AxiDraw3. Inkscape has been quite challenging to use at scale. We currently use Inkscape and our pen plotter to write handwritten cards. I understand that Inkscape is free but is there a paid consultant service we can use to help us streamline our business? I sincerely appreciate your time.
I check my email more than I check my messages on this forum so if you could respond back at andrew@...3622... that would be incredibly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Andrew (323) 532 6551
participants (1)