Here are some problems I see with an hour old 0.45-release-branch install (Fedora Core 6):
1. Installation fails with error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `about.bg.svg', needed by `all-am'. Stop.
See same problem with trunk.
2. Page format: Banner 468x60 is actually 60.0 x 468.0 px
3. Could not set custom page size (perhaps because of installation problem).
3. Envelope (aka Summer's Night) effect seems broken (also broken in SVN and 0.44). The generated path is not inside the target quadrilateral. I seem to remember that the y-axis was flipped internally at some point... could this have broken it?
The effect also generates error messages of the following type:
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Format autodetect failed. The file is being opened as SVG.
4. Perspective effect: The orientation of the output image is rotated 90 degrees from what I would have expected. Take two quadrilaterals with the first nodes in the paths at the upper left. When one quadrilateral is embed in the other, the embed quadrilateral's first node is at the upper right. The new path is also not closed.
Perspective effect generates same error messages as Envelope effect.

Hello inkscape team,
Is there someone planning to add <multipage> in inkscape soon? With basic stuffs like go to next or preview frame/page? And export frames? I don't now if it's difficult to add but it seems to me that it works a bit like the layer class. Am I wrong? The <multipage> stuff should help to attract the people from the animation area...
Personnally, I'm planning to work on autoboolean option for the calligrahpic tool then add an eraser tool. It should be easy enough for my poor C++ skill...

On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 01:36:46AM +0100, Ronan Zeegers wrote:
Hello inkscape team,
Is there someone planning to add <multipage> in inkscape soon? With basic stuffs like go to next or preview frame/page? And export frames? I don't now if it's difficult to add but it seems to me that it works a bit like the layer class. Am I wrong? The <multipage> stuff should help to attract the people from the animation area...
Nope, I haven't heard of anyone with plans to work on this. Is that something you're interested in working on?

Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 01:36:46AM +0100, Ronan Zeegers wrote:
Hello inkscape team,
Is there someone planning to add <multipage> in inkscape soon? With basic stuffs like go to next or preview frame/page? And export frames? I don't now if it's difficult to add but it seems to me that it works a bit like the layer class. Am I wrong? The <multipage> stuff should help to attract the people from the animation area...
Nope, I haven't heard of anyone with plans to work on this. Is that something you're interested in working on?
Yes, I really want to push inkscape to the "multiimage" animation level. But I don't know if it is easy to do. Do you have a guess of how many days work it represent?

Ronan Zeegers wrote:
Yes, I really want to push inkscape to the "multiimage" animation level. But I don't know if it is easy to do. Do you have a guess of how many days work it represent?
It depends on how much thought has already gone into this. E.g an important question is what this page stuff looks like in SVG syntax. To me adding pages does not seem too hard to do, but I could be miles off aswell. I have found that having a wiki page for RFEs, bugs, etc was very helpful in developing the upgraded gradient tool [1]. Plus people without coding knowledge can help you by finding out all ins and outs about multipage in SVG syntax and distill that into a piece of text on the wikipage. Inkscape's wiki is not always clear on where to find stuff, but I think [2] is a good start to add a link to the multipage-page. You might want to send around an e-mail over the devel and user maillinglists to request people to review the page and add something to it. It might also attract another developer to help you out , e.g. in making a page selector widget. Maybe someone knows Inkscape's architecture well and can tell you in which class to add what, but he does not have the time to code for himself: go to the wiki and add all you hae time for :) Being a code-monkey and just implementing what others have thought of can be pleasing from time to time :)
Cheers! Johan
[1]: http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/Inkscape/gradientgoodness [2]: http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/NewFeatureProposals

On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 11:17:10AM +0100, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
Ronan Zeegers wrote:
Yes, I really want to push inkscape to the "multiimage" animation level. But I don't know if it is easy to do. Do you have a guess of how many days work it represent?
It depends on how much thought has already gone into this. E.g an important question is what this page stuff looks like in SVG syntax. To me adding pages does not seem too hard to do, but I could be miles off aswell.
Work like this on new Inkscape feature can almost always be split up into three stages:
1. Find the appropriate tags and attributes in the SVG spec 2. Implement support for rendering files with these tags 3. Implement support for UI controls to edit the tags
#1 is mostly a research project. Start by reading the SVG spec so you can learn about the tag, the attributes that go with it, and so forth. It is good practice to set up a page in the Wiki for storing your notes as you do this process, so that in case you don't make it to steps 2 and 3, then maybe someone else can benefit from your research.
#2 is the fun part. It helps to be comfortable with Inkscape internals for this part. Depending on the feature, it may require advanced knowledge of transformation, rendering, document management, and so on. For this part, just hand-edit an SVG file to put the tags in that you found in step #1, and keep plugging away at the code until Inkscape displays things as the specification dictates. It can help to compare your work with Batik, as we use that program as our reference implementation.
#3 is the most important stage, since it is the point at which the feature becomes available for users. This step often requires knowledge of Gtk+, for creating dialogs, widgets, menus, etc. for allowing the user to edit the characteristics of the feature. Be sure to listen to feedback from other developers and users - especially if there are different opinions. It is hard to come up with UI that everyone can agree on, but it is worth the work to achieve this - the more critique your UI survives, the better loved the feature will be for future users.
Looking through Inkscape's history, these stages are often done by different people. So, I would suggest starting by focusing on step 1 and do as much as you can there, and move into #2 when you feel ready.
Hope this helps! Bryce
Inkscape's wiki is not always clear on where to find stuff, but I think [2] is a good start to add a link to the multipage-page. You might want to send around an e-mail over the devel and user maillinglists to request people to review the page and add something to it. It might also attract another developer to help you out , e.g. in making a page selector widget. Maybe someone knows Inkscape's architecture well and can tell you in which class to add what, but he does not have the time to code for himself: go to the wiki and add all you hae time for :) Being a code-monkey and just implementing what others have thought of can be pleasing from time to time :)
Cheers! Johan

Tavmjong Bah wrote:
Hi Tav :-)
Here are some problems I see with an hour old 0.45-release-branch
install (Fedora Core 6):
- Installation fails with error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `about.bg.svg', needed by `all-am'. Stop.
See same problem with trunk.
My fault. I deleted it when I added teh new about, but I forgot to remove it from the makefiles. What is a bg? If we want an about.bg.svg, then I guess we need to find someone bg to make it. Otherwise it will just have to be removed from the makefiles.
Page format: Banner 468x60 is actually 60.0 x 468.0 px
Could not set custom page size (perhaps because of installation
- Envelope (aka Summer's Night) effect seems broken (also broken in SVN
and 0.44). The generated path is not inside the target quadrilateral. I seem to remember that the y-axis was flipped internally at some point... could this have broken it?
Y-axis flip was a goal for this release iirc, but I don't think it actually happened. Could the problem be that the objects have transforms and the effect ignores them? I think this is more likely.
The effect also generates error messages of the following type:
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
no clue about those
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Format autodetect failed. The file is being opened as SVG.
It has always done this. The tempfiles that inkscape saves to pass to effects don't have the *.svg extension. (This is for some security reason, I think pjrm explained it to me once a long time ago.) With out an extension inkscape guesses at the file format and prints a message. There are probably two ways to solve this problem. Add an svg extension. stop outputting a warning in this situation.
- Perspective effect: The orientation of the output image is rotated 90
degrees from what I would have expected. Take two quadrilaterals with the first nodes in the paths at the upper left. When one quadrilateral is embed in the other, the embed quadrilateral's first node is at the upper right.
The new path is also not closed.
Known problem with the overly simplistic path representations used by effects.
Perspective effect generates same error messages as Envelope effect.
Same deal. Inkscape is called with the query option from the script and prints the warning.
Aaron Spike

Aaron Spike wrote:
Tavmjong Bah wrote:
Hi Tav :-)
Here are some problems I see with an hour old 0.45-release-branch
install (Fedora Core 6):
- Installation fails with error:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `about.bg.svg', needed by `all-am'. Stop.
See same problem with trunk.
My fault. I deleted it when I added teh new about, but I forgot to remove it from the makefiles. What is a bg? If we want an about.bg.svg, then I guess we need to find someone bg to make it. Otherwise it will just have to be removed from the makefiles.
I went ahead and purged all the references to about.bg.svg.
Aaron Spike

Wed, 17 Jan 2007 00:36:57 +0100 Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...> kirjoitti:
The effect also generates error messages of the following type:
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
** (inkscape:20971): WARNING **: Unimplemented style property SP_PROP_ENABLE_BACKGROUND: value: accumulate
Do those appear only on 0.44 or on SVN version too? (afaik that warning should not appear on SVN version)
That message is telling, that some object in the document has enable-background set in style, but inkscape does not know, how to handle it. As this property is a part of filter effects, support for it was added after 0.44.
participants (6)
Aaron Spike
Bryce Harrington
Niko Kiirala
Ronan Zeegers
Tavmjong Bah