- Recommending an OS (Martin Owens)
- Re: Recommending an OS (Eduard Braun)
Before we end up in the "My Distro is better than yours" discussion, I would like to state I am no fan of Ubuntu myself. That said, as far as I know it works pretty well on all versions and GUI's available on Linux. It actually also works quite well on Windows is my experience, though I'll never touch another Mac in my life unless my life depends on it, so that's a blank for me.
I have to agree with Eduard here, that it feels a bit like the old website remarks,.. designed for X by Y. Optimised for MSIE etc. of Ye Olden Days...
Apart from that we might think about making a page about getting print done using FOSS. As far as I am aware there are some articles on the topic, but nothing all that prominent and not easily found. If we can make the case that you can do pretty much what you're doing with commercial software for free and with clear descriptions on how to do things for the average button pusher, it will make a stronger case if there is a clear path using whatever distro of Linux in the description.
The same goes for web design btw or any other design form currently getting supported. HPGL plotting and cutters, even embroidery is on the list these days. Something like a "Output Info" button on the website, with a page with links to articles with hands on experience would be great. A time stamp and version related to the link would be useful too btw. Don't know how much effort it would be to create some kind of RSS feed on such articles so the more recent go on top. Or maybe a user input rating the article to relevance. Rather than having a maintainer for such a thing it may be an idea to try and automate it as much as possible.
participants (1)