Fwd: [Inkscape-devel] WEBFORM problems Mac OS X

I assume the reply was to be sent on the list so I forwarded it. It is probably nice for all the programmers out there to hear your compliments.
Begin forwarded message:
Hi Diego,
Did you try a stable inkscape build or a development build? if it is a development build, try the stable one. Inkscape is usually slow to start the first time (it has to do some things with your fonts) so maybe you just need to be patient. There is a window telling you that the font cache has to be rebuild. Do you have this window somewhere? Normally when you have this window you wait until the font cache rebuild is complete and then you close and restart inkscape and it whould be ok. remember that inkscape is an X11 app so it does not start as quick as a native mac os X app. Do you use other X11 applications? do they run fine?
Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme.
Web site: http://jo.irisson.free.fr/
Thanks for your quick reply!
Solved the problem. I don't know how I did it, but it worked: I downloaded the stable built, dumped any pref. files I had regarding Inkscape or X11 and installed again. I gave it plenty of time this time (went off for a bite XD) and when I came back it was running perfectly.
I've been all night awake trying out stuff with Inkscape and let me tell you you have a heluva program here! I decided to try Inkscape because I had to get a project done, and Inkscape has been quick, easy and powerful enough to get the job done. In fact when I finished the website I was working on, I came back to Inkscape and fiddled around a little. I am amazed at how complete that thing is.
Please, keep up the good work. Inkscape is definitely an app. I'll be recommending from now on. Thanks again for yout time and attention.
Let your Holidays be merry. Take care,
participants (1)