2/25 IRC Meeting Agenda (draft)

Hey all,
I just wanted to send out a draft agenda for the upcoming irc meeting and also seek feedback about what others would like to add to the list. I will send out a finalized version a couple hours before the meeting time. Just a reminder, the meeting is scheduled for UTC 2/25 0800.
*Inkscape packaging *Inkscape 0.49 **Status **Release Plan *GSOC 2012 **Focus **Goals **Mentoring **Getting new students *SVG2 **Implementation strategies **Low hanging fruit **Most important features to our userbase *CSS3 *Javascript *Membership changes on the Inkscape Board *What we need in upstream libraries (including 2geom) *Old/unfinished code **Lessons learned **Cleanup *Release schedule moving forward **Fixed schedule **Schedule timing **Developer needs **Translator needs *Platform specific junk (OSX, Windows, etc... and yes, it's junk and unless people are going to contribute code, we won't stay focused on it too long)
Cheers, Josh

2012/2/23 Josh Andler <scislac@...400...>:
Hey all,
I just wanted to send out a draft agenda for the upcoming irc meeting and also seek feedback about what others would like to add to the list. I will send out a finalized version a couple hours before the meeting time. Just a reminder, the meeting is scheduled for UTC 2/25 0800.
*Inkscape packaging *Inkscape 0.49 **Status **Release Plan *GSOC 2012 **Focus **Goals **Mentoring **Getting new students *SVG2 **Implementation strategies **Low hanging fruit **Most important features to our userbase *CSS3 *Javascript *Membership changes on the Inkscape Board *What we need in upstream libraries (including 2geom) *Old/unfinished code **Lessons learned **Cleanup *Release schedule moving forward **Fixed schedule **Schedule timing **Developer needs **Translator needs *Platform specific junk (OSX, Windows, etc... and yes, it's junk and unless people are going to contribute code, we won't stay focused on it too long)
Seems good to me. Looks like all important topics are covered.
I would add an item that specifically addresses the following critical pieces of refactoring: - handling of svg:switch not as a kind of group, but as a "transparent" element that is effectively replaced by the best choice in the SP tree - SVG 1.1 fallback for flowtext (probably depends on the above) - fix for coordinate inversion - better architecture for LPEs, similar to SVG 2.0 vector effects
Regards, Krzysztof

I'm trying to use xchat to connect to freenode#inkscape. I can read the discussion but when I try sending I am getting a "cannot send to channel" error message.... any hints? I tried it out a couple of weeks ago and it worked then.

This usually is because you didn't msg your password to nickserv. (you have to authenticate to speak in the channel)
Try to "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>" as they recommend on connect with a registered account.
Obviously ditch the lt & gt symbols and the quotes.
Cheers, Josh
2012/2/24 Tavmjong Bah <tavmjong@...8...>:
I'm trying to use xchat to connect to freenode#inkscape. I can read the discussion but when I try sending I am getting a "cannot send to channel" error message.... any hints? I tried it out a couple of weeks ago and it worked then.
participants (3)
Josh Andler
Krzysztof Kosiński
Tavmjong Bah