object snapping (bug?), related RFEs

Is object snapping supposed to work? Im talking about the recent svn version, and File->Document properties->[Snap]
The options: [ ] Snap bounding boxes to objects [ ] Snap nodes to objects [ ] Snap to object paths [ ] Snap to object nodes Snap sensitivity: [-|-------------] [ ] Always Snap
It took some time the figure out how it is working.
1. So If I want to snap one object node to an another object node I must check the following options: [ ] Snap bounding boxes to objects [X] Snap nodes to objects [ ] Snap to object paths [X] Snap to object nodes Snap sensitivity: [-|-------------] [ ] Always Snap
2. If I want to snap one object node to an another object path I must check the following options: [ ] Snap bounding boxes to objects [X] Snap nodes to objects [X] Snap to object paths [ ] Snap to object nodes Snap sensitivity: [-|-------------] [ ] Always Snap
3. If I check the above two cases it work a little buggy way. Particulary on a curved path. So I pull the mousepointer and sometimeworks sometime just jumping a little distance. Around the node is really hard to place the node.
4. If I check the following to options, it does snapping, but Im not able to figure out its snapping to what. [X] Snap bounding boxes to objects [ ] Snap nodes to objects [ ] Snap to object paths [X] Snap to object nodes Snap sensitivity: [-|-------------] [ ] Always Snap
It does snapping, because the Snap sensitivity have its behaviour.
5. If I want to snap the bounding box around an object paths, I must check the following options: [X] Snap bounding boxes to objects [ ] Snap nodes to objects [X] Snap to object paths [ ] Snap to object nodes Snap sensitivity: [-|-------------] [ ] Always Snap
------------------ The problems:
The bigger problem is the not clear UI design, its not marked anywhere what I must check If I want some behavoiour. And it does not marked, that one checkbox *depends* an another checkbox.
'Always snap' button does not seems to work. What is supposed to do?
Its not clear that the 'Snap sensitivity' GtkHScale element affects ALL the other checkboxes.
I was thinking yesterday, that the snappings are not implemented, because I was unable to figure out what checkbox must I checked. So I think it must seriously reconsider this ui design, because this EXCELLENT feature is really a MUSTHAVE.
I have found and figured out accidently, and I have already written my feature request for this feature, which is already implemented! (just figured out a Snapping title in the recent changelog) ----------------
Question/rfe about the snapping issues: There is an option (like the new show/hide bezier handles option) to show the nodes of all the objects? It would be easier to snapping. And more speedy to create nice diagrams, flowcharts, etc.
This feature CLOSE the following RFE (I think): [1014477]Snap (is already closed, but now is fully implemented): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det... [1326224] Snap to curve and snap to node: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[907478] Snap to (nodes of) existing objects: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1252641] Snap objects to nodes of other objects (DUP of #907478): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1108238] snap bounding boxes to each other: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1306873] In node tool, nodes/handles must always snap w/ grid on https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[903432] Snap selection to grid command: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1424653] Snap behavior instability (This is not implemented, but it can easily achieve with the recent snapping possibilities): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1418315] Grid: option to snap to upper left corner only (DUP of #1424653) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
----------------- Related RFEs, which is NOT IMPLEMENTED, but depends on the above implementation:
[1104630] Special fixing points to allow objects to snap together (Its like in Microsoft Visio, or DIA, where one object can snap some autogenerated fixing points. It can workaround by adding additional nodes, but there arent any more elegant way?): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1421855] Snap to Grid (There should be an option to active/deactivate the Snap to Grid without going to Document Preferences): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1328200] snap icons in toolbar (DUP of #1421855) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[863737] Snap indicator+ snap/guides dialog/palette (DUP of #1421855) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1213890] Guides to Snap to Grid (almost everything can be snapping except GUIDES to GRID/BOUNDING BOX/NODE): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=604309&aid=1213890...
[1328174] snap guides to nodes (DUP of #1213890, we can merge the two rfe) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1213890] Guides to Snap to Grid (DUP of #1213890): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[928027] advanced snap features (missing features, but it can easily workaround by adding some nodes to the object): Snap to Endpoint, Snap to Midpoint, Snap to Intersection): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1390687] snap to path imprecise in some cases: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
RFEs what is related, but I cant decide is it resolved or not.
[1215241] snap to guides with screen pixels (I cant understand what is the difference between screen and document pixels) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1119020] snap only to visible gridlines, snap distance in screen px (DUP of #1215241): https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
[1390676] On-screen-pixel distance as snap to... unit (DUP of #1215241) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604309&func=det...
Can we consider to close ALL the feature request about snapping? And create one new feature request, where we summarize what snapping feautres was implemented, and what needs to be implemented.
So we can close the feature request what is implemented, and mark as DUPLICATE of the above RFE all the other feature requests. However with this RFE, we can track all the snapping issues and roadmap.
Sorry for my english, and thanks if you have read all my email;)
Best regards, Khiraly

Khiraly, thanks for your summary of snapping RFEs and your experiences. Since the author of snapping, Carl Hetherington, is at work with this feature; and I have not implemented everything in the Doc Prefs dialog that was planned, this feature must be considered 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION'.
Although I agree with your UI suggestions, I do not see how to simplify the dialog without taking possibilities away from the user. However, I would agree to disable some unstable features temporarily for 0.44.
Please discuss redesign but it will not be implemented in 0.44.
Regarding your snapping problems, have you enlarged the grid such that the distance between singhle lines is visible?

I've just taken a look at the Snap dialog. One improvement that could be made is to move the "Snap sensitivity" line to the left so it starts to the left of the check boxes. As it appears now, it seems to be an option under the "Snap to object nodes/Snap nodes to Grid/Snap points to guides" lines. This would also clearly separate the "Always Snap" lines which are fundamentally different from the other lines.
Also, it is not clear that their are two separate sections under "Object Snapping", that is what is to be snapped and what is to be snapped to, both of which must have a box checked for object snapping to work.
What about a grid (maybe with a common sensitivity setting for simplicity)?
Snap: Sensitivity Always Bounding Box Node Snap to: Path x 50 x Node x x 0.4 Grid 1.0 Guide 1.0
BTW, why is it "Snap ->nodes<- to grid" but "Snap ->points<- to guides"?

On Thu, 18 May 2006, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
What about a grid (maybe with a common sensitivity setting for simplicity)?
I don't think the layout you propose would work particularly well. It doesn't seem like something you could do within the Gnome guidelines. Checkboxes are designed to have the check before the lable, and I had hoped Inskcape would get clean out any remaing misuses of checkboxes as things move to GtkMM. I also suspect using widgets in non standard ways would add more difficulties when it comes to accessibility.
There may still be other ways to improve the situation. Personally I believe at least some of the options will need to be moved into the menus since users are likely to want to toggle them on and off on a regular basis.

2006. 05. 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 18.43-kor Ralf Stephan ezt írta:
Please discuss redesign but it will not be implemented in 0.44.
As this task is clearly not depend on programmer experience, I have looked at the source and figured out the exact layout. After that, I have made a simple glade file from it, and builded. So I have attached a glade file, for everyone to play with. I highly recommand gazpacho as glade designer, it have complete undo system and stable for me (more stable than glade). Glade has many popups, and difficult to use (bad ui design). Gazpacho homepage: http://gazpacho.sicem.biz/
After we figure out the layout, we can make simple .glade file, it can be used as a references for coding. (note: Im not proposing to use libglade or any glade related tool in inkscape! just for brainstorming and designing)
Its really fun to play with gazpacho, I strongly suggest everyone to play with. If you have an idea or proposal, just send your .glade file to the list and an (optional) screenshot to be able to collaborate playing and developping further.
I have attached a .glade file (snap.glade.gz) for the recent snap dialog design.
I have made some modification as Tav suggested, and made a mockup. The modified .glade file attached(snapNew.glade.gz).
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
Some important modification: In the table it can be only one radiobutton selected. So it is important to snap an object node to an another objects path and nodes at the same time. I think its a good improvement. There is no need to snapping to many things at the same time, it make just difficult to use.
Hope we can figure out a better design!
To Alan: quote:
I don't think the layout you propose would work particularly well. It doesn't seem like something you could do within the Gnome guidelines.
Since me and (I think) other proposals will using glade for the design, I think we can stay within the gnome guideline.
Best regards, Khiraly

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 14.26-kor Khiraly ezt írta:
I have made some modification as Tav suggested, and made a mockup. The modified .glade file attached(snapNew.glade.gz).
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
I have made some more radical modification (snap2.glade.gz) Here is the screenshot: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2961/snap22nq.png
Any other ideas?

On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 16:16 +0200, Khiraly wrote:
- 19, péntek keltezéssel 14.26-kor Khiraly ezt írta:
I have made some modification as Tav suggested, and made a mockup. The modified .glade file attached(snapNew.glade.gz).
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
I have made some more radical modification (snap2.glade.gz) Here is the screenshot: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2961/snap22nq.png
Any other ideas?
This is similar to what I proposed with the following differences:
1. You should use check boxes (without labels) rather than radio buttons since more than one type of snapping can be turned on at a time. (I took a look at the HIG for GTK and don't see why using check boxes this way is a problem.)
2. Currently the "From" column should contain Bounding Boxes and Nodes, while the "To" row should contain Paths, Nodes, Grid, and Guides. It would be useful to snap the grid and guides to other objects but it is probably not useful to snap a guide to a guide, and since there is only one grid, you can't snap the grid to itself.
3. The "From" and "To" axes should be swapped (since there are more "To" options than "From" options this will result in a narrow but taller dialog, matching the other tabs).
4. The "Always snap" check box is missing.
There must be a better label that "From" but I can't think of it right now. The first line might better read "Snap <From> to <To>".

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 18.10-kor Tavmjong Bah ezt írta:
- You should use check boxes (without labels) rather than radio buttons
since more than one type of snapping can be turned on at a time. (I took a look at the HIG for GTK and don't see why using check boxes this way is a problem.)
"since more than one type of snapping can be turned on"
I think its a really bad idea. If your object is snapping almost everything, it does not help in your design process.
Snapping for one thing its a better aproach (from usability point of view)

On 5/19/06, Khiraly <khiraly123@...240...> wrote:
I think its a really bad idea. If your object is snapping almost everything, it does not help in your design process.
It depends on what type of design your are doing, really. When I'm working on web-design mockups, I usually have several snaps turned on at once. For example, I often want to snap a rectangle to another rectangle's bounding box, and then snap some bezier nodes to the rectangle. In the current system, I can turn all the snaps on at once and work without interruption. In the new system, I would have to change a settings from "snap bounding boxes to bounding boxes" to "snap nodes to bounding boxes" each time I want to do this. Software that is "easier" but less flexible is not really easier, since the user has to do extra work to get around it. Don't put arbitrary constraints on the user!
- The "Always snap" check box is missing.
What does it do? For me, it does nothing, or am I missed something?
The "always snap" box goes with the "snap sensitivity box." Activating "always snap" makes the sensitivity infinitely large so that snapping always occurs.
-William Swanson

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 13.03-kor William Swanson ezt írta:
- The "Always snap" check box is missing.
What does it do? For me, it does nothing, or am I missed something?
The "always snap" box goes with the "snap sensitivity box." Activating "always snap" makes the sensitivity infinitely large so that snapping always occurs.
If you move to the maximum the "snap sensitivity box" scale, it does do the same, no?
What is the difference between "always snap" and "snap sensitivity box" to 50 value? (it was a rethorical question)

On 5/19/06, Khiraly <khiraly123@...240...> wrote:
If you move to the maximum the "snap sensitivity box" scale, it does do the same, no?
No, it doesn't. To see this, create a blank canvas and add two rectangles. Set up node-to-node snapping and move the sensitivity slider to 50. When you drag the rectangles, the corners only snap when the rectangles are near each other. Now, set the snap sensitivity to "always snap." The two rectangles become stuck to each other and are impossible to separate, even if you try to drag them completely across the screen. This is because the snap sensitivity is infinite rather than 50 px.
What is the difference between "always snap" and "snap sensitivity box" to 50 value? (it was a rethorical question)
Moving the slider to 50 causes snapping if two points are within 50 px of each other. Checking the box causes snapping no matter how far the points are.

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 14.37-kor William Swanson ezt írta:
Moving the slider to 50 causes snapping if two points are within 50 px of each other. Checking the box causes snapping no matter how far the points are.
So how about we modify the slider from 50 to something big, which can practicaly consider as "infinite"
Snapping at 400px I think its really like "always snap"
I think to have one more checkbox, its rather confusing, then has practical value.

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 11:53:10PM +0200, Khiraly wrote:
- 19, p?ntek keltez?ssel 14.37-kor William Swanson ezt ?rta:
Moving the slider to 50 causes snapping if two points are within 50 px of each other. Checking the box causes snapping no matter how far the points are.
So how about we modify the slider from 50 to something big, which can practicaly consider as "infinite"
Perhaps better would be something like:
Snapping: ( ) None (*) Variable ( ) Always Sensitivity: [-------XXX----------------------]
or maybe just...
Snapping: ( ) Off (*) Variable ( ) On [--XXX-----------------------]
And then grey-out the second line when Variable is not selected
This would put the Always Snap option in context - it's an alternative to never snap or to variably snap. Note this also unambigiously shows a widget to turn off snapping.

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 18.10-kor Tavmjong Bah ezt írta:
- The "Always snap" check box is missing.
What does it do? For me, it does nothing, or am I missed something?
Definietly the table could have empty cell. So snapping from gridto griddoes not make sens. Thanks!

On Fri, 19 May 2006, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 16:16 +0200, Khiraly wrote:
- 19, péntek keltezéssel 14.26-kor Khiraly ezt írta:
I have made some modification as Tav suggested, and made a mockup. The modified .glade file attached(snapNew.glade.gz).
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
I have made some more radical modification (snap2.glade.gz) Here is the screenshot: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2961/snap22nq.png
Any other ideas?
This is similar to what I proposed with the following differences:
- You should use check boxes (without labels) rather than radio buttons
since more than one type of snapping can be turned on at a time. (I took a look at the HIG for GTK and don't see why using check boxes this way is a problem.)
The HIG recommends how you should do things, it doesn't cover things you shouldn't do.
Checkboxes and radio list are designed to include labels. You are fighting the design to do otherwise.
At the very least you make accessibility much more difficult since screen readers cannot know which labels fit to which checkboxes.

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 21.29-kor Alan Horkan ezt írta:
The HIG recommends how you should do things, it doesn't cover things you shouldn't do.
Checkboxes and radio list are designed to include labels. You are fighting the design to do otherwise.
At the very least you make accessibility much more difficult since screen readers cannot know which labels fit to which checkboxes.
Maybe I really miss the point, but why we care about screen readers? It is a *graphical application*, no?
The current proposal the more logic one I think. Maybe its not hig compliant, in this case (if it really matters) we can replace the checkbox/radio button with a simple button with image included.

On Fri, 19 May 2006, Khiraly wrote:
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 23:14:06 +0200 From: Khiraly <khiraly123@...240...> To: Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> Cc: Inkscape is a vector graphics editor inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] object snapping (bug?), related RFEs
- 19, péntek keltezéssel 21.29-kor Alan Horkan ezt írta:
The HIG recommends how you should do things, it doesn't cover things you shouldn't do.
Checkboxes and radio list are designed to include labels. You are fighting the design to do otherwise.
At the very least you make accessibility much more difficult since screen readers cannot know which labels fit to which checkboxes.
Maybe I really miss the point, but why we care about screen readers? It is a *graphical application*, no?
Excluding people is bad design. Blind people do have use for drawing programs too [1] but there is a whole range of visibility difficulty where users might still want to use inkscape but appreciate the help of a screen reader.
[1] http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/01/129246
The point I was making about accessibility was only to emphasise how you were misusing the standard widgets.
I'm trying to be polite but I strongly object to your grid based design and suggestion to misuse standard widgets. I hope the developers will avoid this backwards step. I've said my piece so now I hope the developers will speak up and suggest a better way.

As Bryce has pointed out, scenarios that need all possibilities of the Snap parameter space are realistic. Also, he gave an intuitive widget arrangement for the 0-50-always problem. This, however, means that 2D arrangements can and will not be implemented.
On William's restructuring / refactoring ideas, I urge Carl to give his opinion, as that's over my head.
Regards, ralf

On May 19, 2006, at 2:14 PM, Khiraly wrote:
At the very least you make accessibility much more difficult since screen readers cannot know which labels fit to which checkboxes.
Maybe I really miss the point, but why we care about screen readers? It is a *graphical application*, no?
Yes, it is a graphical application, but there are various degrees of peoples abilities.
For example, we've been in communication with one person who uses Inkscape, but who has difficulty with the icons that can not go black- and-white. He gets quite a lot of use out of the application, but with just a little care on our interface side he ends up getting a lot more.
Then there are issues people have with reading, as opposed to actual vision problems. Screen readers are a big help there.
So overall, accessibility helps many people, for many different reasons.

On 5/19/06, Khiraly <khiraly123@...240...> wrote:
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
I have made some more radical modification (snap2.glade.gz) Here is the screenshot: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2961/snap22nq.png
Any other ideas?
While I like your of making snapping more symmetrical, I do think you have some mistakes in your grid. The things that should appear in the "from" axis are different than the things that should appear in the "to" axis. The canvas grid, for example, cannot be snapped "to" anything since the grid does not move. You also have separate entries for "nodes" and "points", even though nodes and points are the same thing.
If you go through the existing dialog carefully, the things you can snap "from" are: * Bounding boxes * Nodes
The things you can snap "to" are: * Nodes * Paths * Grid * Guides
If you put them in a grid, you get this: http://www.swansontec.com/temp/InkscapeSnapGrid.png
As others have pointed out, however, the grid is a bad usability design. Since the grid has only two columns, you can easily split it in half to form two sets of "ordinary" check boxes grouped under two headings:
This design has all the logical improvements of your grid system while remaining faithful to the Gnome HIG.
The downside is the single "snap sensitivity" group. The prior system offered much more flexibility in terms of different snap sensitivities for different areas. Does anybody see this as a serious loss? I have personally never needed the extra flexibility, but others may have different experience. Bulia?
-William Swanson

2006. 05. 19, péntek keltezéssel 14.09-kor William Swanson ezt írta:
If you go through the existing dialog carefully, the things you can snap "from" are:
- Bounding boxes
- Nodes
The things you can snap "to" are:
- Nodes
- Paths
- Grid
- Guides
I like you mockups, however I dont understand the above.
I can imagine the following option too: snap guide to bounding boxes snap guide to nodes snap guide to paths snap guide to grid
Maybe there is a need for this possibility too. I can imageine a scenario for this.
Or the current development is limited, and it cant be *now* adjusted?
If is it the case we can have the dialog and the not implemented section we can grayed out;)

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 02:09:12PM -0700, William Swanson wrote:
The downside is the single "snap sensitivity" group. The prior system offered much more flexibility in terms of different snap sensitivities for different areas. Does anybody see this as a serious loss? I have personally never needed the extra flexibility, but others may have different experience. Bulia?
I could easily imagine wishing to have different snap sensitivities for different work modes.
For example, I might specify To Paths to snap very tightly, and a weak snap sensitivity to Nodes, so that if I want to put something on a node, I can "feel" it snap into place, without having the nodes steal snaps too much. I imagine this to be a common use case for drawing cartoons.
Or another good example would be making snap to grid be set extremely highly, but have the guides and paths also have a small amount of snap, so that if I'm zoomed out, and the grid is very fine, I can rely more on snapping to existing lines. This is a very common case when you're doing technical drawing.
In a way, it seems like it might be useful to have saveable presets, so a novice user could pick some sort of "cartoon style snapping", and another could pick "technical snapping" or "grid-only snapping". Advanced users would be able to hit the "Customize snapping" button and pull up the advanced screen to adjust snapping of specific aspects and then save as "My Snap Style" for future use.
This could get especially valuable as we start having new kinds of grids, more things to snap to, etc.

On Fri, 19 May 2006, Khiraly wrote:
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 14:26:25 +0200 From: Khiraly <khiraly123@...240...> To: ralf@...748... Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] object snapping (bug?), related RFEs
- 18, cs�t�rt�k keltez�ssel 18.43-kor Ralf Stephan ezt �rta:
Please discuss redesign but it will not be implemented in 0.44.
I have attached a .glade file (snap.glade.gz) for the recent snap dialog design.
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
Now that I have seen your mockup I do not think this is a good idea but I will try to give some advice on you suggestion such as it is.
The vertical text "from" does more harm than good. It is very awkward to read that text. Translating that text will be difficult without having it in the context of a sentence.
There is a typo, you wrote "bounding boxe" in stead of "bounding boxes".
Left aligned text is recommended over right aligned text and the text will be different lenghts in the translatiosn so you cannot assume too much basdon how the English langauge layout works.
Straight sentences are less ambiguous than an interconnected grid of settings. The layout you propose requires more thinking to understand what is really happening.
To Alan: quote:
I don't think the layout you propose would work particularly well. It doesn't seem like something you could do within the Gnome guidelines.
Since me and (I think) other proposals will using glade for the design, I think we can stay within the gnome guideline.
Glade and GTK do not prevent you from creating unusual designs. Using radio buttons in a grid like that is not a normal design.
You should probably ask usability@...45... if you want to get a second opinion.
Alan Horkan
Inkscape http://inkscape.org Abiword http://www.abisource.com Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org
Alan's Diary http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/

Hi Khiraly,
On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 05:58:40PM +0200, Khiraly wrote:
Can we consider to close ALL the feature request about snapping? And create one new feature request, where we summarize what snapping feautres was implemented, and what needs to be implemented.
So we can close the feature request what is implemented, and mark as DUPLICATE of the above RFE all the other feature requests. However with this RFE, we can track all the snapping issues and roadmap.
This sounds like a good proposal to me. Do you have sufficient access to the RFE tracker to do this? If not, tell me your SourceForge username, and I will open it for you.
Thanks, Bryce

2006. 05. 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 13.37-kor Bryce Harrington ezt írta:
This sounds like a good proposal to me. Do you have sufficient access to the RFE tracker to do this? If not, tell me your SourceForge username, and I will open it for you.
username: khiraly
However, I dont think Im the right person for this jobs, since, my english is very poor.

On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 01:34:07PM +0200, Khiraly wrote:
- 18, cs?t?rt?k keltez?ssel 13.37-kor Bryce Harrington ezt ?rta:
This sounds like a good proposal to me. Do you have sufficient access to the RFE tracker to do this? If not, tell me your SourceForge username, and I will open it for you.
username: khiraly
Great, I've added access for you, with full access to the RFE and bug trackers. I did not add subversion access - if you need that one day, please just ask again.
Anyway, welcome to the team! :-)
However, I dont think Im the right person for this jobs, since, my english is very poor.
Certainly, knowing English is not a requirement, however yours has been quite good - I didn't notice it was not your first language. :-)
participants (7)
Alan Horkan
Bryce Harrington
Jon A. Cruz
Ralf Stephan
Tavmjong Bah
William Swanson