Help with result viewer for rendering tests appreciated

As you may have seen I put up a simple result viewer for the rendering test results. It's based on Google Web Toolkit and JSON. Both quite new to me, and there are quite some things that could be done, so if anyone is interested in helping out that would be great.
Some things I'd love to have in the result viewer: - Better/clearer presentation, for example coloring the results to make it easier to locate them visually. - Some filters for showing only changed results (regressions or improvements) or only specific results (just the New results for example). - Links to the actual input/output images (and difference images?). - Perhaps group the test cases in a tree (they are already categorized to some extent). - Anything else that will make it easier to track Inkscape's quality.
Also, if anyone has any other bright ideas about how to process the test result data, let's hear it.
The actual test result data (that I will try to update regularly for at least a few months):
The result viewer:
Result viewer code: To run/compile it using GWT, be sure to set the environment variable GWT_DIR to the directory where GWT is installed. Linux users might have to do something special (it only contains batch files for running and compiling the project).
participants (1)
Jasper van de Gronde