On 07/20/2009 10:45 AM, LucaDC wrote:
I simply expect the origin to snap wherever the guide snaps when dragging it in 2D. Now this doesn't happen for me in WXP. E.g.:
- draw a rectangle;
- add a guide and snap it to a corner (e.g. bottom-left);
- rotate the guide so it snaps to the opposite corner (e.g. top-right);
- drag the center on the guide to snap it on the opposite corner
(top-right): it doesn't.
Ah yes, that's correct! Please enable "snap to paths" for this to work, but this is just a workaround. The problem is that when you snap along a constrained line, that line isn't very likely to run exactly through the corner of the rectangle you want to snap to (or to any other specific point for that matter, due to rounding errors). I'm not sure, but I think that I have implemented constrained snapping to nodes at all, only to paths. Maybe I should and allow for really small tolerances in such a case.

Diederik wrote:
The problem is that when you snap along a constrained line, that line isn't very likely to run exactly through the corner of the rectangle you want to snap to. Maybe I should and allow for really small tolerances in such a case.
I understand this, but I won't simply add a tolerance. I already suggested snapping to whatever is enabled to snap to (also if it's far from the guide), and project it perpendicularly to the guide. I've already seen this behavior in other programs (Illustrator? Coreldraw? I don't remeber now, maybe both). The "perpendicularly-projected" snapping is always useful when you are dragging with constraints (so also when you are moving an object with ctrl, for example).
participants (2)
Diederik van Lierop