My name is Matthew Petroff, and I am an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Physics and Computer Science. I've used Inkscape for about six years, and have also created SVG files by hand. I've been involved with FOSS for a few years now, namely Hugin [1] and, more recently, FontForge [2], mainly as a builder.
For Google Summer of Code, I would like to improve unit handling in Inkscape. It is my understanding that Inkscape's current unit handling is scattered across the code base in various locations, and from personal experience, I know Inkscape's unit handling could use improvement. To start, I would refactor all of Inkscape's unit handling into one centralized location. I would then extend this unit handling to allow for easier use of "real" units, e.g. millimeters, both on the document wide level and for individual objects, as has already been outlined in a blueprint [3].
-Matthew Petroff
[1] http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ [2] http://fontforge.org/ [3] http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/BlueprintRealUnit

On 29-4-2013 1:37, Matthew Petroff wrote:
My name is Matthew Petroff, and I am an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Physics and Computer Science. I've used Inkscape for about six years, and have also created SVG files by hand. I've been involved with FOSS for a few years now, namely Hugin [1] and, more recently, FontForge [2], mainly as a builder.
For Google Summer of Code, I would like to improve unit handling in Inkscape. It is my understanding that Inkscape's current unit handling is scattered across the code base in various locations, and from personal experience, I know Inkscape's unit handling could use improvement. To start, I would refactor all of Inkscape's unit handling into one centralized location. I would then extend this unit handling to allow for easier use of "real" units, e.g. millimeters, both on the document wide level and for individual objects, as has already been outlined in a blueprint [3].
Hi Matthew,
It's a very good project for a GSoC I think. Tip: split your project into stages. Probably you will not have time to do everything you want, so it's good to plan ahead for that. Put a "merge into trunk" at the end of each phase. Phase 1 might be something like: "eradicate duplicate unit handling code" -> merge. (may already be quite a big chunk!)
Tip 2: if you haven't already: start working on your two patches asap to get commit access! Can be anything, could also be related to your project proposal.
Cheers, Johan
participants (4)
Dave Crossland
Jasper van de Gronde
Johan Engelen
Matthew Petroff